Chapter 23

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It was dark and cold, and he looked sound asleep, while I was screaming inside, I mean this is where my parents died. How could I just forget and move on? Sure they weren't my real parents but, they raised me, and that's my definition of parent.

Someone that's there for you, someone who watches over you, takes care of you, spoils you, pampers you, gets rid of 'boo-boos', taught you how to walk, how to read, to write, to talk, to do almost every little perk off your childhood.

That's what parents are for, and after years of creating a bond with one, it just gets whisked away from you out of nowhere. All the happiness, all the joy, I-it's gone, and it's very hard to be found again.

I heard a very loud growl behind me, which scared me so much my fingernails dug deep into Damon's skin.

"Why'd you just poke me?"

"Poke you? If you were human you'd practically be bleeding, Damon there's something here!" I informed.

"Really Ron? I smell one human, you, one vampire, Moi, and one werewolf, so go back to sleep." He said and then the last one finally registered in his head, and mine.

"Werewolf?" I whispered, my eyes wide.

"Hop on, we gotta get out of here." He ordered.


"Damon!" I warned.

"Hop on!" He commanded, but I was frozen in place as he stood only five feet from us. Damon shot to me and next thing I knew, I was in front of the Salvatore Boarding House. "Get inside."

"What about you?"


"Dammit Ronnie! Get Inside!" He yelled and I did as he asked. Once inside I lunged for the phone but Stefan stopped me.

"Elena how'd you get in here?"

"It's Veronica Stef."

"Sorry, what happened? why are you here?" He asked worried.

"Uhhh werewolf, reservoir, it chased us from there."


"Damon went after it."

"Okay stay here, don't move, literally, and breath slowly." He ordered, I was confused but nodded in response before he sped away.


It's been an hour, no joke since Damon and Stefan left. I'm freaking out, but I can't move, or breathe fast, at all. All I can see is a clock ahead of me.


You've got to be kidding me. It's going to be a lot harder to not want to move of hyperventilate when it's right behind me! Scream, it's a want, I want it, I want to be able to do it, but I can't. Help, it's a need, I need it, I need it seriously right now, but I can't even call for it.

*loud menacing growl*

'You can't exactly scare me more than you already have, I'm literally frozen with fear.' I thought, but I guess I was wrong because it scared me when it appeared in front of me, revealing itself. It wasn't the sight of its face, but more it's eyes, I knew those eyes, those chocolate brown eyes. He must have noticed I knew because once he saw me his expression softened. He ran away, well out the window.


It was five minutes later that Damon and Stefan came back. I was in the same position, except a tear fell down my face.

"We lost him." Damon declared walking over to me.

"Wait a second, Damon, this place reeks." Stefan stated.

"Of Wolf." Damon replied.

"Werewolf." I answered, my voice raspy. Damon bent down to my eye level. He put both his hands on either side of my face.

"Ronnie, what did it do to you?" He interrogated.

"Nothing, he did nothing."

"How do you know it was a he?" Stefan paused."Do you know who that was?"

"No, but it seemed like a he." I lied, my heart was racing now, they wouldn't know if I was lying.

"Ronnie, you should go to sleep, you've had enough for today." Damon suggested and I agreed, he led me upstairs and I laid my head down to sleep.


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