Chapter 10

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Matt dropped me off, it was and awkward ride home, luckily no one was home to see my tight black dress that I was wearing from last night. I hopped on my bed landing flat onto my back and stared at the ceiling, I had s-

"Hello?" I heard Elena say. I'm dead. I got changed into some shorts and a tank top. Then I quickly brushed my hair rinsed off my red lipstick put on some Cherry Chapstick. I then grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on then put on socks and slipped on my converse, I then sprayed Perfume on me to mask the alcohol.

"Elena?" I said.

"Ronnie? You home?" she asked.

"Yeah upstairs." I said as I put a piece of gum to extinguish my morning breath. I heard coming up the stairs with more footsteps behind her.

"Oh thank god your okay." she said hugging me. Then Damon and Stefan walked in behind her.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"You haven't answered my calls." she said.

"Well I'm sorry Elena I was out with Vicki, Matt , and Tyler and I turned my phone off." I said. "Calm down."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know..." she trailed off.

"Ha, you would if you were here instead of out with Stefan." I said laughing... why was Damon here?

"Um... Damon's here." she said.

"I'm not blind Elena." I said laughing.

"Good to see you again..... Ronnie..." he trailed off staring at me with a curious look.

"What?" I asked with him staring at me and Stefan joining in.

"What did you do last night?" They asked in unison. I froze. You could smell my dress coming from the bathroom behind me... it reeked of alcohol.

"Well to be completely honest... I got drunk... at Billy's party... and I..." I trailed off not wanting to say the next part.

"You went to a party?" asked Stefan.

"Yes..." I said.

"You got drunk!" shouted Elena with a horrified look on her face.

"Yes..." I whispered in guilt, nodding my head.

"What else did you do?" asked Damon with an angered tone.

"I slept with Matt!" I shouted bracing myself to get yelled at by Elena.

"Ronnie..." she whispered.

"I know your disappointed..." I said with shame.

"I'm not... you got drunk you had no control over it... was Matt drunk?" she asked nervously.

"Not that I know of." I said, while Damon rampaged out of the room then back in again. his face was right up to mine... Then he kissed me. I was shocked... why? he released me with a sad but curious look on his face as if he was waiting for an answer. I couldn't answer him... I was just kissed by Damon Salvatore...he then pulled me into a hug... I hugged him back.

"Let it out." he whispered and I began to cry... I didn't realize why until I was thinking of Matt and that we might've just destroyed the best friendship I had ever had.

"I can't believe what I did." I whispered into his ear.

"I know.." he whispered back. I then stopped crying and he let me go.

"Stop." he said as he wiped away my tears. He then grabbed me into a second passionate kiss. Are we an item or is he just going to keep kissing me?

"Stop." I said releasing my lips from his.

"What?" he asked I noticed Stefan and Elena had left my room.

"Why are you kissing me?" I asked.

"Because I'm in love with you." He said pulling me into a hug.

"Damon..." I said pulling out of the hug.

"What now?" he asked growing impatient.

"I need some time, to think." I said walking out of the room and grabbing my keys and heading out the door after waving goodbye to Stefan and Elena. I was lost to choose as I drove towards the woods to think... Damon or Matt...

"Hello?" I asked as I noticed someone painting nearby.

"Hello Love." he said. I waved as he revealed his self from behind the canvas. He was tall, blonde with a little blonde beard, and maybe British by the sound of his voice.

"What are you painting?" I asked.

"Well Elena I am painting the forest right now." He said I gasped he knew my sister?

"I'm sorry I'm not Elena." I said.

"What?" he asked with anger growing on his face. maybe he was upset that he wasn't talking to Elena.

"I'm Ronnie... Ronnie Gilbert, Elena's identical twin sister." I said, he relaxed.

"Nice to meet you." he said reaching out a hand for me to take.

"Nice to meet you...?" I trailed off on purpose to discover his name.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, but call me Klaus." he said shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you Klaus." I smiled at him, and he smiled back.


Damon and Ronnie kissed! Yay! Now she must choose... who will it be?

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