Chapter 26

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Angry? No.

Furious? HELL YEAH!!

I can't believe that I was brought to a therapist, I'll show them, I'll fix this.

When I reached the Lockwood mansion, I admit, I was nervous.

Tyler answered.

"Oh, h-hey Ron." He smiled at me.

"Tyler, I know that was you during the Full Moon." I spat out, I shut my mouth with my hands, his eyes went wide. He pulled me inside.

"You know." He whispered.

"Yeah I know."

"And you're not afraid?"

"Tyler, one, your my best friend and two, I've been having nightmares non-stop about you, I'm pretty much over it." I said nonchalantly. He tugged me upstairs to his room and locked the door, and windows.

"Y-You've been h-having nightm-mares about m-me?" He stuttered concern full in his voice.

"Yeah..." I said looking at him curiously.

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to solve the problem." I explained.

He nodded.

"So...problem solved?" He asked, I smiled.

"I'll tell you in the morning." I smirked, great a bad habit from Damon, I kissed his cheek, and hugged him before leaving.

'Problem solved?'

I hope.

When I reached my car an arm touched my shoulder.

"It's Tyler wasn't it?" Stefan asked.

"Please don't say anything." I begged.

He nodded before letting go of my arm and driving home.

"Hey Ron." Jer greeted me with a smile, I smiled back at him.

"Hey Jer."

"Ronnie! Oh thank god! Are you okay?" Jenna asked worried, I turned the other way.

"Ronnie!" Elena ran up to me and hugged me, I pushed her off, she looked confused.

"Hey Ron." Damon greeted from the kitchen. How can I stay mad at him? Oh yeah, he took me to a shrink, because they all thought I was crazy.

"Hey Jer, guess what!" I beamed at my younger brother.

"What?" He asked laughing at my actions.

"Problem solved." I said to him before glaring at Jenna, Elena, and Damon. I strutted up the stairs, and I could feel Damon follow me. He followed me to my room.

I locked the door behind him.

I pushed him against the door and kissed him passionately.

"So your not mad at me?"

I texted him.

'Oh I'm mad, U think I'm craz-E, I'll show U craz-E.'

"You broke your promise." He smirked.

'I never do, I'm not talkin' 2 U.' I smirked at him before pulling him into another kiss. I slammed him against the wall pulling at his hair as our lips met. The rest was a blur.


I woke up to Damon next to me. His arm wrapped around my waist.

"Do you forgive me yet?" He asked.

I grabbed my phone.

'No, I'll forgive u, when I forgive Jenna & E, but I don't so no.' I smirked.

"Is that so?" He asked.

'Very.' I smiled at him, he laughed before stopping.

"Jenna." He whispered, my eyes went wide as I got changed and Damon made the bed.

I was applying my make-up when she came in.

"I cancelled all your appointments with Doctor Rushana since you weren't screaming in your sleep."

I smiled at her.

"Thanks Jenna." I smiled.

"Y-you, y-you forgive me?" She asked, hope in her eyes.

"Not completely." I sighed, she nodded a little confused.

"Well, I don't forgive Elena yet." I said, and she nodded.

"Damon?" She asked.

"Yeah, he made it up to me." I said looking back to the mirror so she wouldn't see me blush.

"Okay well get ready for school." She said, I nodded.

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