3. Party

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"Maya" I hear Josh whisper, making me wake up the next morning.

"Hm?" I ask as my eyes flutter open, my arm pinned underneath my daughter who's still resting comfortably between me and Josh in our bed.

"We fell asleep" Josh laughs lightly making a smile pull at my lips.

"I see that" I yawn as I turn on my side to face him. "We should get up. I wanted to surprise her with pancakes for breakfast."

"Sounds delicious" he smiles as I climb out of bed, trying my best not to wake up Emma as I get up. I sneak out of the room with Josh on my heels. "Can you believe our daughter is five?" Josh asks as we make our way to the kitchen.

"It feels like yesterday I found out she was on the way" I smile as I think back to that day. "I was scared to death" I admit as I pull out the ingredients I needed out of the fridge.

"I think we're doing pretty good for two people who were certainly not prepared to start a family" he laughs lightly.

"Me too" I reply happily as I grab the skillet from the cupboard before plugging it in and pouring the pancake batter onto it. "But while our precious five year old is sleeping maybe we should finally talk about a certain date we're going to get questioned about today."

"Maya I'd marry you right now. Let's just pick a day" he shrugs as we hear the sound of footsteps. "There's our birthday girl" Josh exclaims as he rushes over to Emma, picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Daddy" she laughs as she squirms in his arms. "I'm five now, I'm not a baby" she insists.

"Well" Josh says faking hurt as he puts our daughter back on her feet. "Sweetie since you're not a baby maybe you can help your mama and I with something."

"What?" she asks curiously as Josh picks her up, putting her on the seat beside him.

"When do you think your daddy and I should get married?" I ask with a smile as I flip the pancakes on the skillet.

"I don't care but can I be the flower girl?" she asks making Josh and I share a smile as I nod.

"Of course baby girl but first we need a date" I remind her making her place her finger on her chin as she looks deep in thought.

"July 4" she suggests.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"Fireworks" she exclaims making Josh and I laugh at our adorable daughter.

"It's not a terrible idea. We both love summer and fireworks" Josh shrugs. "And you'd be off work" he adds as a smile appears on his lips.

"Okay" I give. "I think it's actually kinda perfect" I admit happily. "My parents are gonna be pissed though, it only gives us ten months to plan."

"We're getting better. This is the first thing in our relationship we've actually planned" he replies making me shoot him a look. "Tell me I'm wrong" he smirks, "our engagement, Emma, nothing has been planned."

"While we're planning there's something else I kinda wanted to talk to you about" I add as I glance at Emma. "Emma why don't you go get Lambie and turn on some TV" I suggest making her smile as she hops down and runs off to her room.

"What's up?" Josh asks worriedly.

"Okay first off I got my period last night so don't freak out but I was late" I explain making his eyes widen.

"It was probably just stress" he shrugs causing me to nod as I plate the pancakes before walking over to the fridge to get whipped cream for Emma and I and syrup for Josh.

"Probably but Josh I gotta admit the thought didn't totally freak me out. I want to be married before we expand our family again but I don't know that I want to be married very long before we start trying again" I admit causing him to look at me in shock.

"You want another baby?" he asks in shock.

"I think I do" I admit, "how do you feel about that?" I ask worriedly as a smile appears on his lips.

"I think we get married and after that whatever happens happens. As soon as we're married we'll stop preventing it" he shrugs as Emma reappears, heading for the couch.

"Are you sure?" I ask making him chuckle as he comes around the counter, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Positive. Now come on, let's eat before these get cold" he insists as he places a quick kiss on my lips before taking the plates and going over to sit with Emma.


"Another baby" Riley exclaims as her and I stand in the corner of the living room. "Your parents are gonna freak."

"It's my life" I reply, "we also set a date" I add excitedly as Emma joins us.

"Here's a hint. Fireworks" Emma exclaims making me laugh as Riley's face lights up.

"The fourth" she asks causing me to nod. "That's perfect" Riley smiles.

"We think so" I reply happily as I feel someone's arm around my waist.

"Hey gorgeous" Josh whispers in my ear as he kisses my temple. "Presents or cake first?" he asks curiously.

"Let's do presents" I reply and quickly everyone is gathered around the living room. Riley, Lucas, Josh and I sitting on the couch with Emma and Lily sitting in front of us. The rest of the family including my parents, Josh's parents, and Cory and Topanga filling the rest of the space. Unfortunately Smackle and Farkle couldn't get away from the lab and Zay had moved back to Texas and was unable to get away for the weekend so none of them were able to make it. It sucked that I didn't get to see them very often but we were all incredibly close in our own ways.

"Oh my gosh" Emma exclaims as she opens her present that was from Zay. "It's a cowgirl hat" she announces happily as she places it on her head. "Mommy can you take a picture and send it to Uncle Zay?" she asks making me smile as I nod.

"Of course baby girl" I reply as I dig my phone from my pocket, snapping a picture and sending it off to Zay with a quick thank you.

Emma opens the rest of her gifts receiving a science kit where she could make her own lip gloss from Smackle and Farkle which was perfect because it would keep her out of my makeup, a gift card for Toys R Us from Amy and Alan, and the complete set of Doc McStuffins DVDs from Cory and Topanga.

"What about my present from Aunt Riley and Uncle Lucas?" Emma asks confused as she looks up at the four of us.

"Well honey they couldn't give you your gift until we did" I explain as Josh gets up, going off to retrieve her gift. When he brings it out her jaw hits the floor. It was the pet clinic from Doc McStuffins complete with the little dog from the episode.

"I love it" she exclaims as she runs towards it.

"And here is your very own doctor coat" Riley smiles as she hands Emma the second part of her present.

"This is the best birthday ever" she says happily as she looks at all of us. "Thanks mommy. Thanks daddy" she says sweetly as she throws her arms around us.

"Of course baby girl" I reply as I squeeze her tight.

I never thought that my life would turn out like this. Engaged to Josh and sharing a daughter with him but it was my life and in that moment everything was perfect.

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