I. The Letter - William T. Spears

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Word Count: 465 words

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Word Count: 465 words

William sat at his desk, brooding. He had fallen in love with you. The problem was, he had had no idea how to confess to you. He knew he couldn't verbally tell you, knowing he'll stutter awkwardly. He let out a small groan. How was he going to do this? 

A brilliant idea came to him. If William couldn't tell you, he'll write you. His excitement mounted as a plan slowly formed. He was going to write you a letter, explaining why he loved you.

Dear Y/N, 

I love you. I confess I can't say this face-to-face. You seem to make me stutter and be tongue-tied. There are no words for me to tell you how much I enjoy seeing your face. Even a small chat is the highlight of my day. I let my guard down when I'm around you. You make me happy, Y/N.

Your beautiful eyes strike me every time I see them. They're full of happiness and mirth. They sparkle everytime you laugh. I try to make you laugh when I see you. When I do succeed, it's the greatest feeling on Earth. I could get lost in your eyes like a man lost at sea.

Y/N, I don't know how many times I have to emphasize how gorgeous you are. You blush and say you don't believe, but it's true. You're the most beautiful girl/boy/person I ever met. And you're funny too; I haven't found another lady/lord that could even compare to your jokes. I'm not a laugher, but I feel like I can relax around you, and let out a couple chuckles. You also amuse me and can get on the irritating side, but that's what I like about you.

I love your kindness. Unlike me, you have a kind word for everybody. Every time you compliment someone, I could see them work harder. You're so kind, how do you do it? This might sound exaggerated but it's my true feelings. I love you, Y/N. I really do.


                                                                                                            William T. Spears

You held a hand over your mouth, eyes brimming with tears when you read William's letter. It was the sweetest note anyone had ever given you, and you loved it. You stood up and ran to William's office. Without knocking, you barged in.

"Y/N? What—" William jolted up.

You rushed over and kissed him. He twirled you around, kissing you back.

"William, what you wrote, it was the sweetest thing anyone ever did for me," you told him.

His eyes lit up. "You liked it?"

"I loved it."

 ♚ ♚ ♚

QUESTION: Who is your favourite Black Butler character?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: I mean, they're all insane; no one's actually normal. So Sebastian, because he's the hottest, lol.

Comment your answer!

Edited: 1/4/18

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