VII. Roses - Ciel Phantomhive

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Word Count: 764 words

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Word Count: 764 words

You walked into the bakery, inhaling the scent of strawberry pastries, vanilla cake, and a whiff of tea. Earl Grey, was it?

"Hello, Y/N?" the cashier said, greeting you with a smile.

"It's good to see you, Ava." You smiled at her as you took off your coat.

You struck up a friendship when you moved and accidentally wandered into the bakery after getting lost. Ava had ushered you into a chair, given you a pastry, and after her shift ended, provided you with directions. 

"The usual?" she asked.

"Yes, thank you."

As Ava prepared your order, you paused to examine the people around you. They kept to themselves but were still polite, smiling every now and then. 

A bell about the door rang, and you turned around to see a blue-haired boy that walked in. His gaze flickered around the shop before settling on you, his gaze serious and intense. You broke eye contact and instead stared above the boy's head. 

You watched as he strode to you, ignoring the people in his way. 

"Excuse me." He wasn't asking for your attention; he was demanding it. 

"Yes, sir?"

"This is for you." The boy produced a rose from behind his back. 

He gave it you, still as calm as ever, before strolling away, leaving you gaping in his wake.

"What was that about?" Ava asked, also staring at the boy.

"I have no idea."

♚ ♚ ♚

When you got home, you pondered about the mysterious blue-haired boy. He was attractive, sure, but he also was a complete stranger. No good would happen if you found yourself becoming closer to him. But still . . .

You groaned. You were going to take a walk, you decided. Maybe you could relax.

♚ ♚ ♚

The cold air bit into your body. You drew your coat closer and wandered around, letting your feet guide you. You weren't sure where you were going or where you would end up.

Just let my feet—

So lost in thought, you bumped into someone and almost tripped, sending them stumbling backward. 

You got up and dusted yourself, staring at the ground as you blushed. "Oh! I'm so sorry—"

"No need for apologies."

Your head snapped up. You recognized that voice. Him

"Sir? You're the boy from the bakery!"

"Indeed. And you are the pretty/handsome lady/lord." 

Your cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. "Sir? You gave me a rose earlier today. How come?"

He shrugged and looked you in the eye. "I am attracted to you. And I talk to people I find attractive. Life is too short to waste on hesitance."

"Oh." A pause. "Thank you? But I don't even know you. What do you want from me?"

"Ah, yes." The boy tilted his head. "My identity may appear as a mystery. But fear not, if you will visit me at my mansion we will get to know each other. Who knows what will come out of it?"


"Please. My name is Ciel Phantomhive. No need for formalities."

"Ciel. I-I'm not sure. It's so soon . . ."

Ciel nodded as if he expected your answer. "Please, think about it. Until then." He paused. "Excuse me, I don't know your name."

"It's Y/N."

"Well, Lady/Lord Y/N, I will await your answer at the bakery." Ciel handed you another rose and walked away, his hands clasped behind his back. 

Ciel Phantomhive was a bizarre boy, but—and you were sure you were going to regret this—you wanted to know him more. 

♚ ♚ ♚

The next day, you paced in the bakery and updated Ava on your recent meeting with Ciel.

"So he wanted you to live with him? Maybe even marry?" She smirked.

You halted and almost choked on your spit. "N-No! To visit!"

"Same thing." She scanned the room. "Is he here yet?"

"Obviously not," you said, making sure your voice was steady.

You glanced at the door every couple of seconds as you combed your hair with your fingers. Was he coming or not? You tapped your heel.

The door opened, and Ciel walked in. He stared around the room before spotting you, his gaze locked on the rose you wore. He strode to you, his pace quicker than usual.

"Ah, there you are. Have you made a decision?" he asked, almost seconds after he entered the bakery.

You hesitated before exhaling. "Y-Yes. I'll go with you."

Ciel broke out into a smile—the first one you saw on him. 

He doesn't smile a lot. Maybe I can change that.

"Y/N, shall we go?" Ciel offered his arm, the smile still on his face.

"We shall."

♚ ♚ ♚

QUESTION: So, would you go with Ciel?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: Maybe. I don't know, really.

Comment your answer!

Edited: 1/27/18

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