IX. The Phantomhive Spy Part 1

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Word Count: 582 words

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Word Count: 582 words

"You will go to the Phantomhive manor and get a job there. Gain their trust and secrets, and report back to me. Understand?" Alois demanded.

"Yes, Your Highness." You gave him a deep bow.

"Ladies don't bow."

You smirked. "I'm no lady. You should know that by now, Your Highness."

♚ ♚ ♚

You knocked on the door and waited, your hands clasped behind your back. A handsome man opened the door.

"May I help you?" The man stared at you.

"Yes, are you the master of this estate?"

"Oh, no! I'm the head butler, Sebastian. And you are?"

"Y/N Y/L/N. I'm looking for a job."

"Please, come in. My master would like to talk to you." Sebastian opened the door and gestured for you to come in. 

You stepped in and smiled at him.

Leading you inside, he turned to you and said, "Wait here, please. I'll go fetch my master."

You took a look around, trying to get a feel for this "master." Everything was neat and orderly. There was nothing wrong with that, but it was so . . . bland. Where were the personal items, the family pictures, the gifts? A boy walked in, followed by Sebastian, interrupting your thoughts.

"I'm the master here. My butler said you need a job." The boy looked at you with authority and confidence. You knew immediately not to mess with him.

"Yes, my lord. I have no job and no money."

"Sebastian, what do you think?"

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at you. "She seems trustworthy. But appearances can be deceiving."

"You're hired," Ciel bluntly said.

Your eyes widened. You hadn't expected it to be this easy to get hired. "Really?"

"Yes. Sebastian will show you around." Before Ciel left, he turned around and said, "Don't disappoint me."

♚ ♚ ♚

Weeks passed. You slowly gained their trust. This was the easiest mission you've ever been on. But a small part of you liked Sebastian, a lot. You denied your feelings, pushing them down. It could jeopardize your mission. 

Despite your mission, you had fallen in love with the butler. His charm, elegance, and looks won you over, day by day.

One day, you were determined to quit your spying job. 

 "I'm not working for you anymore," you bluntly said.

"Oh really?" Alois said, sickly sweet.

"Yes. Goodbye."

You turned around, but before you could move, you crumpled to the floor, Alois standing over you.

 ♚ ♚ ♚

"My lady?" Sebastian asked, concern coloring his tone. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." You groaned, sitting up. "Where am I?"

"Back at the Phantomhive estate. I knew something was wrong," he vaguely explained. "Now, will you tell me what were you doing there?"

You exhaled. "Sebastian, I was a spy."

"Spying? On us?"


"So all of this"—Sebastian gestured with his hand—"was a lie?"

"No! At first, yes, I planned to give Alois your secrets. I planned everything out. But I didn't plan to fall in love you." Your voice was barely a whisper.

"You do not love me. You betrayed me, all of us!"

You shook your head vehemently.

"I couldn't do it! Please, Sebastian, what can I do to convince you?"

"You can leave and get out of my sight." Sebastian stalked out of the room, leaving you staring at the floor, waves of shame drowning you.

♚ ♚ ♚

QUESTION: Would you ever be a spy for Alois?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: No, I would be a really non-sneaky spy, lol.

Comment your answer!

Edited: 2/21/18

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