XIV. You Find Out His Secret

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"Hey, Ciel." A smirk grew on your face.

You came up with a plan to take Ciel's eyepatch off. See, you knew what he was hiding already. You knew he was in a contract with Sebastian (as much as it pained you to admit). If he wasn't going to tell you, you were going to tell him.

"Yes, Y/N?" Ciel said, looking up from his papers.

"Come here, would you?"

He sighed and stood up. "What is it? I told you, there's no spider—"

You yanked off his eyepatch, making Ciel suck in a breath. His eyes widened then clenched shut.

"Y-Y/N, give me back my eyepatch!"

"It's alright, I know already." You cupped his face with your hands. "Open your eyes for me, Ciel."

His eyes fluttered before opening. "Happy now?"

"Shh." You stared into his eyes. "I like you better this way. Don't wear your eyepatch around me, okay?"



"Y/N, my love, I must tell you something." Sebastian looked at you earnestly. "It's of crucial importance." 

"Is everything alright?" you asked.

Grasping your hands, he said, "Everything is fine."

"What is it, Sebastian?"

"Promise you won't be scared?"

"Tell me! Don't beat around the bush!"

He inhaled deeply. "I am a demon."

"Wow." You sat back. "A real demon?"

"Yes. A real demon." He looked nervously at you.

"Okay. That's quite a surprise."

"You're not worried or scared?" Sebastian asked, astonished.

"Oh, Sebastian. You don't understand, do you?" You laughed quietly. "I love you, all of you. I know you won't hurt me."

Sebastian stared at you in wonderment. "How did I get so lucky?" 


You watched, amused, as Alois doubled over in laughter. He turned to you, gleefully grinning. You squinted, noticing something strange. On his tongue, was a strange mark.

"Alois, come here, please," you called.

"Hi, Y/N!"

"Hello. Alois, what's on your tongue?" you asked.

He paled immediately, all traces of merriment erased from his face.

"What are you talking about?" he tensely asked. 

"There's something on your tongue—"

"Shut up, Y/N! There's nothing there!" he screamed, shutting you up.

You flinched, taking a step back. 

"Alright," you stuttered, "I'll be going now." 

"Wait, Y/N! Stay with me! I'll tell you, don't leave me!" he cried, reaching a hand toward you.

"I'm not leaving you, Alois."


"Promise. Now can you tell me?"

Alois told you everything, his contract, Claude being a demon, and what would happen.

"I'm not leaving you, Alois," you repeated comfortingly. 


 You stepped carefully toward Claude. He snarled and an aura of darkness surround him. You flinched. Slowly, Claude started to turn into something . . . evil. 

You ran from the room, unable to take the image of him out of your mind. Panting, you slid onto the floor in Claude's room. You wept softly. You heard a soft knocking. 

"Y/N, are you in there?" a voice you recognized as Claude asked.

You quieted immediately, clapping a hand over your mouth.

"Y/N, I can hear you," he called. "Come on out."

You stayed still, not moving a muscle. You hoped that he wouldn't come in. Unfortunately for you, he did. 

Claude slowly pushed the door open, taking in your tearful form curled up on the floor. He stepped closer to you, making you wince. He stopped in his tracks, a hurt expression crossing his face.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I saw you when . . ." your voice trembled as you spoke.

"When I turned?" Claude said, keeping his tone gentle, unusually expressing emotion. 

"Yeah." You let out a shuddering sigh.

"May you let me explain?"

"Go ahead."

"I'm a demon. What you saw was my true form, my demonic form."

Claude stepped closer, his golden eyes staring holes into your soul. He slowly brought his arms around you. His gentleness touched you. You hugged him back, leaning on him.

"You won't hurt me, will you, Claude?" you innocently asked.

His reply was swift. "Never, my lady."


"I'm a retired grim reaper," Undertaker blurted out.

You look up from your book. "Okay, cool."

"That's it? You're not freaking out?"

"No. You're still the same old Undertaker that I love, aren't you? Nothing's going to change that."


"William, why are you so busy?" you asked, making sure not to hint anything.

"What do you mean?"

"You always work on papers. You're occupied all the time. Strange people have been popping up at our house, asking for you. And you disappear at random times. Something's up, William. What is it?" you confronted, putting your hands on your hips.

"Nothing, Y/N—"

"William, tell me! Please!" You stared desperately at him. "You said no secrets, remember?"

He sighed before lowering his gaze. "I did say that. And I intend to keep my promise."

"So?" you prompted.

"I'm a grim reaper."


"It's true. I'm a grim reaper. I reap people's souls when they die."

"Alright, then." You nodded, taking William's confession in stride.

"So, are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine, thank you for telling me." You smiled at him. "Now, what's for dinner?"

♚ ♚ ♚

QUESTION: How would you react if they told you their secret?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: In some cases, I would be sad because I would die, and they would live.

What about you?

Edited: 3/8/18

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