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"Did you see that man over there?"

"I did, he's very handsome."

"I wonder if he's single..."

"Meg! You can't you have a husband." The owner of the voice smacks the other girl with her pink-polished hand. "I think he is going to die anyways."

My fists clench tighter on my lap. My once emotionless face cracks at the remark. My eyes were staring holes into her back, hoping it somehow would get her to turn towards me and see what business I mean.

"He's not going to die." I spoke with a strained voice. "The doctor said he's going to live. He's sleeping right now."

The girl and her friends peeking into the room turn their heads toward me. Their eyes narrow and lips thin.

"What are you, his girlfriend or something?" One girl with dyed silver hair sneers at me. Apparently this woman was one of Jimin's colleagues. One look at her slutty outfit I knew she had her eyes fixed on him. My stomach rolls and I smile at her. It's a twisted smile. Her smile falters.

"You of all people should know that he's not looking for a relationship at the moment." I stand up and brush off my skirt.

"That's bull shit."

"Like your personality?"

"That's it." She turns and makes a beeline towards me. I brace myself, but before we could do anything, a nurse comes in between us.

"What do you think you're doing?" The girl stops and stares at me.

I only smiled back.

"If you aren't close friends or family please leave." The nurse stares down at the girl with a cold manner. She shrugs and steps away with two other friends behind her. I only watch them leave before turning my attention to the nurse.

"Can I see him now?"

"You can, but he won't wake up anytime soon..."

My mouth makes an "o" shape, arms hanging limply by my side as if defeated. The nurse doesn't disconnect his gaze from mine.

"Thank you, Mr..."

"Call me Jin."

"Thank you, Jin."

He leads me to the open door, the anesthetic smell and faint beeping of the monitor makes me swoon lightly on my feet. At this moment I felt a little...light headed...

I peered into the room, seeing the frail man with an oxygen mask connected to his face. His chest rises up and down rhythmically in steady breathing, half of me was relieved, but the other half was upset with him.

Where the heck did you go to get yourself in such trouble?

I suddenly notice the bandages around his chest and turn towards the nurse for questions.

"Jin?" I asked cautiously but I was caught off guard. Jin was gone.

I peer out into the hallway and all I could see were endless white walls with black door frames and people walking around in Aqua coloured clothes and carrying a clip board.

"How odd..." I say to myself, turning myself towards Jimin again.

His eyes remain closed, the long eyelashes and baby-filled cheeks giving him an almost innocent complexion. I liked it when he was asleep like this. Maybe I should ask him to get himself more injured more often, hehe.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my phone vibrates in my purse, I peer at the screen of my phone and notice it's Jungkook texting me.

Today 9:56 am

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