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"Jimin, what did I say about personal space?"

"That you don't have any?" He chuckled at his lame joke and i just stood, staring at the memory that was shimmering behind me. Despite the very convincing apparition, the snug fit around my waist seemed to be very real.

"You're an idiot and you're not actually here."

"Ouch. Those two things pierced my heart like daggers."

"Good." I snapped and left the washroom and headed back into my room.

"C'mon, (y/n), I'm not even here why are you attacking me??"

"Because I can!"

"You must miss me." He smirked as he walked around my room, ending up looking into the closet.

"Keep dreaming, lover boy."

Ever since the trial, and when Jimin tried to lunge at me when the judge declared guilty, a new apparition had appeared before me. During community service, rehab, and now, his spirit still haunts me. This man will never leave me.

"This top will look so cute on you." His voice pops into head. "It will look amazing for that photoshoot next week ;)"

"What pants do you suggest going with it?" I played along with the apparition. I must be going insane.

"These ones." Jimin said to me, pointing to these long leggings. "It must cover every inch of skin on your leg. No man can ever touch the skin of my wife."

I hated that word so much.

"Fuck off, Jimin." I threw a pillow at him and he shimmered away, finally leaving me in peace. I threw myself back on the bed, tears stinging the back of my eyes.

"My life is a complete mess," i said to no one.


"Those pants really show off your height, (y/n)!" Hoseok smiled behind the camera.

I switched to another pose, beads of sweat forming on my forehead from the intense yellow light blinding me.

SHWOOP SHWOOP the camera went and before I knew it, the shoot was done.

"Aaaaand what do you think?" He turned to face me away from the screen.

"You're really good at photography. How did you make the lights bring out my eyes?"

He provides a deep belly laugh before slapping a hand onto my shoulder.

"It's my job, (y/n). If I couldn't do this, I wouldn't be able to make a living for myself."

"Speaking about making a living, do I get the job?" I look at the man expectantly. Hoseok didn't say a word, but provided a thoughtful expression.

"Provide me with your portfolio of past experiences, then I'll talk with my manager, Tae. You got the green lights from me.

Optimism swelled up in my abdomen and the corners of my mouth lifted with excitement.

"Thank you, I'll swing by tomorrow afternoon to drop them off." I extended my hand towards him. "Thank you, Hoseok. This means a lot to a broke girl like me." He took my hand and shook it firmly.

"This is the least i can do. I'm very happy you called my agency."

"I have to go now, I have another appointment. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye for now."

I freed my feet from the imprisonment of my heels and stumbled as fast as I can towards the changing room. The cool concrete of the studio's floor was blissful after so much heat of the lighting and hot white tapestry

"Imagine me on the cover of Vogue," i giggled to myself. The thought of me become a famous model entertained my thoughts as I changed out to much comfier shorts and a lose t-shirt. Today, I would be visiting the law firm with some flowers.

I clambered into my car placed the key before craning my neck down to tie my hair into a ponytail.

In the vision of my legs, I see a hand creep towards my thigh and rest there, the sensation tingling.

"Jung...hoseok?" The man beside me spoke with a crack in his voice.

"Yes. Why? You jealous, bitch?"

"No...not particularly." The voice was calm and serene, his taut hand on my told a very different story.

"Even in prison, I will be unable to get rid of you." I pulled my hair and finished before glancing to the apparition in my car. This time, Jimin was wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans. He gave a predator's smile.

"Oh ho~ I'll be here for a very long time." He reaches for the car mirror and checked his hair, entangling a few of his fingers into it. "You'll always see me, (y/n), and when I'm out of prison, I'm coming for you."

"Good luck with that, mister. I can't wait till you come home." I turn the keys and my car sputtered to life.

"You mean it?" He turned his head towards in excitement, his knee shaking up and down, similar to a puppies tail.

"Of course not. Now go away."
I willed the fake Jimin to disappear.

After driving for a few minutes and onto the main road with silence the corners of my mouth upturned. I chuckled once...twice...before the chuckle turned into a roll of laughter and before I knew it I was the new Joker. My eyes began to leak with salty fat droplets and my insanity turned into sobs of fright.

Please don't ever come back, Jimin.

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