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We've been sitting in silence for ten minutes now, just slowly digesting the noodles Jimin had so graciously prepare for us. My eyes are staring lasers into my bowl. I can tell from my peripheral vision that Jimin is examining me, scrutinizing my face in a creepy like matter. A few times I had accidentally looked up to meet eyed with him and he would smile back pleasantly in return, and I would look back down, face burning in embarrassment.

It was like playing a game of chicken and I would be the one to lose.

"Um..." I placed down my chopsticks and used all my willpower to look at his pleasant face again. "Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier."

"How so?" He tilted his head in a childlike imitation of curiosity.

That bitc-

"I kind of panicked and didn't know where I was. But I should feel safe to be in your care right?" I gave him a solemn look but he just kept on smiling back, edges of mouth eye to eye. "I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted, (y/n)." He nodded his head. He replied almost immediately, as if already predicting I would apologize to him.

"How long do I have to stay here?"

"Until you recover."

"When will that be?"

"Until you are functioning well."

I didn't say anything in return. He was being ambiguous but I knew my residence here was very close to permanent.

"I'm heading upstairs." I announce and cleared my plate, making my way to the sink to wash it. After scrubbing and drying my hands I awkwardly hobbled out of the kitchen and towards the staircase.

When I passed my Jimin at the table, I felt a cold hand snatch my right wrist.

"(Y/n), wait." A deep voice spoke behind me.

I turned around, seeing a dead serious look on his face. Suddenly there was movement in my vision and something cold was placed back on my rig finger. I had taken off the ring before going to wash my plate.

"You forgot this," He gave a cheeky smile again, "honey."

"For the last time, I'm not marrying you." I ripped my hand out his grip, disgust written all over my features. "How many times do I have to say it to get it into your thick skull?"

"As many times as you have to, sweetheart,"

I'm about to slap him, hand raised above his place on the chair but I stopped.

Why was this affecting me so much?

"Oh ho ho, you aren't going to hit me?"


"You're actually ok with this, aren't you? You haven't taken off the ring."

I looked down and admired the beautiful ring again. It's gold coating gave a glimmer similiar to the refraction of light across a pool of water. The diamond that sat on top was simple yet elegant. It fit in finger perfectly.  I wanted to rip it off my hand but I didn't want to hurt Jimin's feelings any further.

Why though?

"I..." I was lost for words again. "I'll be going now." I turned on my heels rather quickly and made my ways upstairs.


I gave myself a quick shower, quickly deciding to switch into the extra shorts and larger t shirt that i found in the wardrobe. I didn't have any of my stuff and I had asked Jimin about it. He said everything would come tomorrow morning and I was quite perplexed by his statement. How would he be able to gather my things? Let alone have access to my house?

I left it at that, today was a trifling day and I needed all the rest I could get. After all, I would be leaving once I get better.

I plopped into the small bed that I had initially found myself on. I buried into the covers, sliding them over my head and closing my eyes to give my aching eyes a rest. A reflection of all that has happened zooms past me, Jungkook, gun, Jimin, chocolates. And then suddenly...

...I thought of Cassandra.

My eyes shot open and I sat up abruptly in bed. Staring st the white wall in front of me more questions began to fall into my head.

Cassandra was the one who recommended Jungkook to me. Could it be that she...?

I ripped the covers off my body and stood up, looking around for any of my personal possessions.

"There's no way that Jimin took my phone?" I whispered to myself. I flicked on the light and looked around, seeing nothing but the bare minimum of what a bedroom should possessed: bed, wardrobe, and night stand.

"Fuck you, Jimin..." I cursed under my breathe and made a beeline towards the room Jimin disappears into.

I knocked frantically, the questions still buzzing around in my head. The door opened a few seconds later, a dazed and messy haired man looking st me with confusion?

"Are you finally coming to sleep with me?"

I blushed profusely. "No, I came to ask you about my phone."

"Your...cell phone."


"I couldn't find it when I rescued you."

"Well shit. Can I borrow a phone? Where even is the landline?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Why? Who are you calling?"

I narrowed my eyes back. "Are you saying you've taken away the human right to contact the people I love? I want to call my mom."


"You've got to be kidding." I frowned at him and was mentally preparing to slap stupidity out of his face, this time with no hesitation.

My response seemed to amuse him. He smiled, this time genuinely and raised his eyebrows: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Well, if you want to use the phone, you have to do something first." I was slowly becoming irritated.

"And what is that, shorty." I gave a smirk of my own, satisfied with my attack.

I caught him off guard. From his relaxed position leaning against the door frame he stiffened at the nickname before relaxing again, slight agitation diffusing onto his face. I realized I made a mistake.

"I was going to make you kiss me but now I've decided up my price."

"Okay, and...?" I didn't show it, but I was nervous. When it comes to Jimin, he was the most perverse and perverted man I ever met.

"To get a phone call, you have to sleep with me."

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