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I take a step back and he himself inches forward.

"(Y/n), Oh (y/n)..." he sings in a melodic voice. There was no escaping, but it couldn't hurt to attempt to play dumb.

"Hear what, Jungkook?" My voice rises in a pathetic squeak at the end of the sentence. "Here's the p-package though. I'm not allowed to open it so here, take it and go back to your call. Sorry for intruding."

Oh shit, I said call.

"Call?" He backs me up until I'm against the office wall, face blooming with red. "Why, I didn't mention any call at all." He bends forward, placing his hands on either side of my head. His leg pushes in between my legs as he leans in. "Looks like the Cat is out of the bag now." His mint breath fans across my face and I turn my head to the side, eyes unable to meet his.

"C-cat?" I whimper.

"That's right! I was planning your birthday party!" He lets go of my and turns around, stamping his foot in mockery of child-like behaviour. "I was so close to secretly ordering a cake for you too, but you had to come in on me. Argh!"

"I'm so sorry!" I gasp with relief. It wasn't anything bad. Jungkook was a regular guy. I did a mental scan in my head and turns out my birthday was coming next week. How on Earth did he know? "In fact, I'm planning to spend it with my friend who's coming from China right now next week, so thank you for what you've done, but I already have plans.

He turns around and stalks towards me placing both hands on my cheeks, squeezing my face. "Then I'll bring the cake to your place then. Then it would be a celebration!"

Did Jungkook just invite himself to my birthday?

"Sure..." I smile and nodded at him even though I knew it would regret it later. I fiddle with the package in my hands and Jungkook looks down.

"The package. Why thank you, (y/n). Guess that's another plan with you next week. He winks at me and walks back into his office. "Carry on with whatever you were doing!" And I hear the door click shut. I stand against the wall, panting hard and heart drumming wildly.

Who was this man? And why was his behaviour so...eccentric? I shake my head, suddenly thinking about Jimin and his bi-polarness.

I will continue to find you and do everything in my power to make you fall for me.

Haha, Jimin. I'm sorry, I already am falling for another man. And his name is Jungkook.

I plop myself back into my chair, picking up the pen again and continue to do my work. A quick glimpse at Jungkook's office and my stomach somersaults with grace.

Jimin was so wrong. 

A few hours of working and I feign a yawn. I checked my watch, it was 4:23, almost time to pack up and go home.

I cram the remaining work into my drawers and tidy up the surface of my desk. I check the clock again and it's 4:30, I'm ready to hit the hay.

But not before saying bye to Jungkook.

"I'll see you, Jungk-" I turn the knob to his office and peer inside, expecting to see a bowl of hair and grey suit working at his desk. Instead I see an empty leather chair, table cleaned and no body in sight. "Jungkook?" I say again, hesitantly and noticing that on the table lied the package that I delivered to him open and torn. Beside the box was a container...full of gun shell bullets. I place a hand to my mouth and step backwards. "What the..."

The door behind me clicks close and I feel a cold tip against the jugular vein of my neck and the click of a gun.

"As my first employee I think you should know to knock before entering my office." A voice growls behind me. My lips tighten with terror and my face pales.


"Oh, for crying out loud, stop calling me that!" I turn around to face him, only to see something dark fly at me and hit my temple. I crash into the leather office chair before tumbling to the floor, vision blurry and stomach heaving with nausea. "Jungkook! Oh! Jungkook! I love you, Jungkook!" He shrilled with a high pitch voice, making a move to mock me.

I crawl backwards, bum scraping the rough carpet underneath me to get away from him and towards the back of the office. "Wha-what's going on?"

"You're so clueless. Tsk tsk." Jungkook creeps towards me, a smirk plastered on his handsome features. "And I thought my behaviour was obvious, guess I landed on a lucky, gullible doe." He squats in front of me, elbows on his knee as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief. "Good thing I smeared this with the alcohol before coming to 'work'."

"Al-alcohol?" The dizziness in my head was getting worse and I blink a few times, only to see the handkerchief making its way to my mouth and covering face. I held my breath, determined not to breathe."

"You shouldn't do that. It only makes things harder for the both of us." I feel something- no, his hand- touch my chest, squeezing one of my mounds hard and I instinctively took a breathe in. Shit. "Ooh, your a good size, I must say. Perfect for my businesses."

I claw at the hand holding the cloth to my face, trying to pull a way but I feel his other arm push our heads together, his eyes staring deeply into mine. Through hazy vision I see lust, lust, and more lust. "That's right, little girl, just breathe."

It was a set up. The meeting, the card number, clients, no wonder there was no one in his proclaimed business. It was a lie. I should have  listened to Jimin, I shouldn't have reacted to him. Jungkook's a lying bast...

"Sweet dreams, (y/n),"

Thank you so much for a very long wait and believing in me. Remember to drop a vote and comment and look forward to the next chapter!

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