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"That's funny, Jimin." My eyes never left the beautiful small golden piece of jewellery that rested snugly on my slender finger. "But jokes over now, where the hell am I?"

"You're in my hou-"

"What happened while I was out? Where is Jungkook? Are people looking for me?"

At the onslaught of questions Jimin leaned backwards. His eyes furrowed trying to process my interrogation.

"I healed you. While you were sleeping."

"Bull shit." I know he hates the sight of blood.

"Fine, I got Jin to help me."

Jin? I d-don't remember who that it is. However his name enchoed and bounced around in my head.

"I got the bullet and the wound taken care of. He said you can't do anything that could strain your leg. So I'm looking after you."

I glanced at the wound on my thigh, the way the bullet had embedded itself into my skin, burrowing deeper the hotness of the bullet burning any skin cells. I shuddered.

Two arms snakes around my shoulders and pulled me back. A small 'oomf' was audible from the collision between my back and Jimin's chest.

"Aunty ( your moms name ) taught you, taught both of us manners. Now what do you say when someone rescues you from the brink of death?"

"I wasn't dyin-"

The arms around my stomach squeeze threateningly.

"WHAT. Do you say?" His whisper was harsh and his breath fanned across my ear. I cringed at the smell of his ever perfect minty breath and decided to be cheeky.

"Thank you..." I practically yelled out. The moment he relieved the pressure I wiggled out of his grip and towards the wall. Fright was smeared all over my features. In contrast to mine his expression dripped with playfulness. And I hated it.

"That wasn't so bad was it?"


"Now I'll go to the kitchen and find something for you to eat." Deficit of attention, he turned on his heels and made his merry way down towards the kitchen. I stand at the top of the stairs dumbfounded and he trodden happily down the steps and out of view. His eyes never left mine. Those smiling, cheerful triumphant eyes and lips singing a tuneless melody.

I shivered slightly. The hairs on the back on my neck rose abruptly.

I need to get out of here.

I walk towards the door. My eyes are fixated at the door knob, it's shiny yet corroding existence from constant use the only blockade from me and getting rid of this man.

I reach for it, it's cold temperate seeping into my warm palm. I'm about to turn the knob when his voice pipes up again. I'm expecting it.

"Where are you going, (y/n)?"

"To Mars, Jimin. Obviously I'm going to go home."

"You can't leave this place."

"Just watch me, pip squeak." I roughly pull open the door and I find myself right in the middle of...


The summer breeze slams my face just as the realization does.

There's no way Jimins house is in he middle of a wheat field with nothing on miles on end?

I hear victorious chucking behind me and I was half tempted to turn around and strangle this son of a bitch.

"You're so funny sometimes (y/n), HE-"

And I slam the door close behind me.

I step out, with nothing but bare feet and scan the plantation.

He must have parked his car somewhere. How else does he get to other places?

The door squeaks open behind me and I turn around, anger fusing straight into my eyes.

"Jimin, I demand to know where the fuck we are."

"Calm down, sweet heart-"

"I am NOT your sweetheart. This is kidnapping, did you know? I could get my phone and call the police on you." I take a step towards him and he seems to cower back slightly at my boldness. "You sick twisted person thinking you can keep me here? I may not know what your plans are or why you want me to marry you so fucking bad, but I will get out of here, Park Jimin. And if it has to be walking to God knows where then so be it!"

In this moment, I didn't care if i had bloody bruised feet if it meant getting away from him. Something was terrible off. And I wanted out.

I didn't realize until later that tears had welled up in my eyes. I only stared at him, daring him to glance away in weakness. He shown none, however.

"Getting out of here." His voice was quiet. "Getting...out of here...by walking." He said it again, this time louder. He blinked once, twice, three times before smiling at me. "You won't make it a mile where we are, (y/n), especially with that injury of yours. There's nothing but wheat, wheat, weeds with thorns that will cut deeply into your skin. It's nature! There are much bacteria and parasites that are in need of a host that fits your description. There are wild bugs spiders and your most favorite spiders that won't hesitate to inject poison into you. They might not hurt that much initially but they will slowly eat away at your life until you are nothing left! Ha!"

He darts out his hands only to use them to snatch yours in a vice tight grip, pulling you into him. "Even if you make it past the plains the forest you end up in is so dangerous. Maybe a bear will attack you and eat you, who knows? I heard the strong back muscles can rip a man's arm away from his body. But it's you so it will rip your body into two. At night it's much worse the hyenas love the smell of blood and always come out at night and I'm sure they will be pleased by your presence. They love to hunt in packs, mind you, so get ready to feel the multiple jaws sinking heavenly into your plump flesh and have your blood gush out in spurts. You will be a buffet to them. After all, they deserve a treat after a long looong time of starvation. They must be ravished."

I try to escape his rough grip on my wrists. "Jimin-"

"YOU. WILL. DIE. (Y/n) but what's it going to be? Death by bear? Ravaged by hyenas? Spiders? Or even mere infections from open wounds from simple plants? It's all up to you, all you have to do... is WALK, which you can't even do so now."

I'm trembling in his grip. I hate it, but he is right on everything.

"So if you're going to walk out on foot, honey," he leads me back into the house closing the door and immediately locking it. "Why don't you make sure you have a fully belly first?"

Hiiii after finally finishing my exams I'm continuing to write again! Hope this chapter was worth the long wait!

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