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A/N: Slightly updated, Let me know what you think of my story.
Thanks for reading (:

Sang's PoV

A Ghost. That's what I am. No I am not dead but I may as well be. I have an ability of sorts where I can shift myself so no one knows I am there. I would say that it was invisibility however I learned that people that can turn invisible can still be heard and can disturb their surroundings, like leaving footprints in the mud or grass and running into objects and people if they aren't careful. I can hide everything about myself. You are not able to see, hear, or feel me at all unless I want you to. I leave no impressions in the ground and I can walk through any substance as long as I am shifted into my ghost.

The only exception is my Stepmother, and even then she can't really see me but she can see a kind of aura that surrounds me. Before she ended up in the hospital I used to be punished by her for having powers and even worse if she could see that I have shifted to non-corporeal form.

She always said that she would punish me because I am unnatural and shouldn't be alive. Well she is right I am unnatural by normal standards but I don't think that is her real problem with me. I learned a few years ago that I am the product of an affair had by my father and a 16 year old girl and that I look exactly like my real mother. My step mother and my half-sister Marie didn't like that.

Also around that time I found out what I am from sneaking books of my fathers that I found in a box in the shed, I also found out there are others like me that have different powers. I am a counterpart to a person or a group of people. Counterparts are other people with powers that you are matched with at birth. These groups or other people are your lifelines, literally. When you find your counterparts you then find your soulmate. Your soulmate is the one person you cannot live without once you are connected to them. Once you find both your counterparts and soulmate you stop aging past the age of 22. From what I have read, the reason you stop aging is because once your group or family is combined it makes a perfect balance for the world. However if you don't find both by that age you continue to age until you do find them. If you never find them you will age as a human and die.

I learned that to keep the balance of the world the universe decided that if one of our counterparts dies we will then continue to age from where were we left off and die as any human would because you are no longer balanced, but if our soulmate dies you will die around the same time. And so you don't destroy all of the counterparts of the world all at once there is either a group that mirrors your own that holds your and your counterparts soulmates, or your counterpart group is divided so that there would be soulmates and counterparts within the same group. I also learned there is a school that you are supposed to be sent to a school called the Academy. When you are sent there you are more likely to find your families. My luck I won't ever meet my counterparts.

If I even have one.

Boy's PoV

(incoming message)

Doctor Roberts: Blackbourne team, please report to my office to receive your new mission.

Once we all make it to the hospital to Dr. Roberts office we sit down around a big table and wait for further instructions.

"As you all know, counterparts are going missing, we think we may know who a few of the people taking them are. They are the Principal and Vice Principal of Ashley Waters High School, we also learned that there are a few counterparts who haven't been introduced to the Academy probably because they weren't told about it. Your mission should you choose to accept it will be to attend the high school and find out what is happening to the missing counterparts as well as find all of the kids that don't know about the Academy and get them here. I know you guys are still looking for your last counterpart but it will have to be put on hold for a little while."

Mr. Blackbourne speaks up "And how many favors would we receive for this?''

"Well if you figure out what is going on and do this favor for us of finding all of the students going to that school that shouldn't be, we won't put a number on it, however it will be enough to graduate your whole team"

All of the boys look dumbstruck at the doctor. Kota looks to Mr. Blackbourne and then around the table at all of his brothers and back to Dr. Roberts "So we would all graduate after this?" Kota asks

"Yes, you would all graduate and would be at a more stable place to take on more missions or take some time off if you need to or even take classes that you want to"

Sean speaks up "Can we go over the files and get back to you with our answer?"

"Of course, you can even use my office for a while. I will just leave these here" Dr. Roberts sets a handful of files on the desk and pushes them towards Mr. Blackbourne. "School starts next week so I need the answer as soon as possible."

"Thank you Dr. Roberts, we will get back to you." Mr. Blackbourne says as Phil is walking out of the office.

"Owen this would make us all the youngest ever to graduate from the Academy"

Owen runs his hands down his face "I know Sean, but if they are willing to graduate us, I am worried about how difficult this mission is going to be and if it is going to be worth it."

"Hold on" Kota speaks up "I think I just figured out why they are willing to do this." He pauses and turns the sheet of paper towards the rest of the guys. "This sheet of paper shows all of the students they have accounted for that are counterparts that we need to bring back. But look down here. There's no name or face just the ability." He points to the bottom of the page

"Holy shit." Gabe says when he sees the paper.

"Indeed Mr. Coleman. It seems that they have found the last known living Ghost."

"Doesn't that just mean they can turn invisible like I can?"

"No Luke, you can still be heard when you use your power even if you are sneaky, same with running into objects. A Ghost however is just that. They are not seen or heard unless they want you to see them. Also you cannot use a power against them unless they allow it, like Owen wouldn't be able to read their mind, nor could they go up in flame or be drowned by someone causing the elements so if North or Silas used their elements against a Ghost it would basically just absorb into them, but if they choose to let you, Owen could be let passed their barriers to see inside their head, I'm not even sure if I would be able to heal this person if they got hurt." Sean says thoughtfully.

"Fuck, so how do we find this kid if they don't want to be seen?"

"I assume Mr. Taylor that, this is exactly why they want to send our family. If they are attending Ashley Waters then obviously they are seen at school but it is not likely they would trust older people if they have been alone this long."

"Then how come there isn't a name or picture of this person?" Luke questions

"Most likely because if someone got a hold of this file and all of that information was in here that Ghost would either end up dead or being used for other things with how rare their ability is. A lot of people would kill to have that ability. We need to find this person quickly to avoid any problems and make sure they are safe."

"Agreed" They all chime in

"Now, are we going to accept this job?"

They all look to each other and back to Mr. Blackbourne and a chorus of loud voices follow

"I am willing, and I will obey." 

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