Chapter 6

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Hello to all of my readers that are still here. I am very sorry that I haven't posted in over a month... This chapter is a love/hate chapter for me and I got frustrated to the point where i didn't want to post it. I would have posted it earlier, however I was out of town for my 21st birthday and gone for over a week starting the end of April so I didn't have my computer at my disposal. I will try my best to get the next chapter out on time however I am writing a book that makes it hard for me to keep them separate from each other but I will do my best... Thanks for staying and let me know what you think. <3


Sang's pov:

I start to regain consciousness and I hurt everywhere. There are bright lights above me as I attempt to blink my eyes open. I hear a few voices talking around me but I can't tell who it is because the buzzing I felt earlier is now amplified by a thousand and I can feel my whole body shaking. If I thought it had been uncomfortable before, this is almost unbearable. On top of that, there is a harsh ringing throughout my head. I try to push away the pain to tune into the conversation around me as much as I can.

"....who did this?"

"We aren't sure but the ball was hit towards her by a guy in our class."

"Jade," I croak out answering their question and then wince because even talking hurts too much.

I look up and find two wide eyed stares from Gabriel and Nathan, an impassive mask from Mr. Blackbourne and an uneasy smile from Sean. Gabriel rushes over, scooping me up in his arms and cradles me in his lap. I think I let out a whimper of pain because he starts talking quickly. "Shit Trouble, I'm sorry I was just really fucking worried about you." I nod mutely into his chest, still in a ton of pain. I felt as Sean walked towards the cot to crouch in front of me. "Okay Pookie, first I need to warn you to be ready when the rest of the boys find out. They will probably storm in here and start yelling." I nod slightly and push my finger against my lip. "What all hurts, Sang? I was only able to heal you enough for you to wake up. We didn't want to force any extra power in your system after you formed two more bonds just on your way in here so you are going to have to tell me what is hurting so I can help you as much as I can."

"Umm my body feels like it's going to explode and implode at the same time, my head feels pretty much the same as my body except it has more of a stabbing pain and high pitched ringing instead of the vibrations, and it hurts to talk." Gabriel's arms tighten around me slightly and I rest my head in the crook of his shoulder.

"The ringing in your head and the buzzing in your body is the overload of power in your system, I can't tell you when it will go away because I have no idea, just don't touch any of the others that you haven't already formed a bond with before your body can process all of it. I think the reason that it hurts so much for you is because you were injured. As for your face and head, I can give you some pain medicine to see if that will help you otherwise there isn't anything I can do for you right now." He looks at me apologetically.

"It's okay Sean, I understand." I tell him. Before he can respond the door to the nurses office crashes open and in walks the rest of the boys.

"What the fuck happened?" North bellows out when he sees me, making me jump and then whimper in pain.

"Do you have to be so loud you fucking idiot?" Nathan yells back at him

"Enough," Kota says over everyone "Mr. Blackbourne what happened?"

"We were trying to figure that out Mr. Lee, there was an incident in their gym class."

"What the hell could have happened that makes it look like she was hit by a fucking train?" North's voice was quieter than it was when he first stormed in, but it still wasn't quiet.

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