Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm not sure if I like how I started this story but I couldn't figure out another way. Also if I happen to post a author's note without a chapter it will most likely be important like the one before this chapter. I like writing author's notes just as much as you like reading them. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.


Sang's Pov:

Welcome to my last first day of walking through Hell High, or as it is formally known as Ashley Waters High School where the girls are slutty and the guys don't know how to keep their hands and other body parts to themselves, for this I am thankful to be invisible. My name is Sang Sorenson. I am a ghost; or what most would call a ghost. Although no one really knows. I have a special power to simply disappear without a trace.

As I make my way to the courtyard I slowly return to normal form so I don't just appear out of nowhere and scare people. It also helps that when I go between ghost and human, my body sends off a kind of invisible warning system that makes others not pay attention to me unless I make enough noise to draw attention to myself. Once I am in ghost form other people subconsciously stay away from me if I am sitting or standing in one spot. It's one of my defense mechanisms.

Making my way to my normal spot in the courtyard, I climb up the tree while no one is looking and sit high up in the branches partially hidden by leaves. I put in my headphones, press play on my music and people watch. Rocky and Jade are hanging off of each other while being surrounded by the football team and cheer squad. Mike is wandering around with Jer most likely trying to find his next target to propose to. Freshman year I was his target; that was me before I had more control of my powers. Other students are rushing around trying to catch up with their friends that they haven't seen all summer.

After watching them for a while I see some new faces. Seven new faces to be exact, they are all grouped together around one of the tables not too far from where I am sitting in the tree. They all seem to be deep into a discussion so I take time to study them. They are all really attractive, I'm not really sure it should be legal to have so many people in one group that are that beautiful.

The boy they are listening to is wearing a green polo shirt, has a medium build with light brown hair and gorgeous emerald green eyes that are hidden behind black rimmed glasses. You can tell he is the leader of this group, but for what reason would they need a leader?

The guy next to him is built bigger and has more defined muscles but is about the same height as the boy with the glasses. Deep blue eyes that look too serious for his age and really soft looking, short, reddish brown hair that has more red than brown.

On his right side sits a huge guy that has a darker complexion with deep black hair and dark brown eyes. He is the biggest out of the group but he looks like he could be a big softie, like a teddy bear. I giggle at that thought.

Next to him, a guy that is dark in everything. He has tanned skin with dark brown eyes and dark colored hair. He is wearing a black t-shirt that stretches across his broad chest, dark jeans and black boots. He has a small gold hoop in his left ear and he looks like he has a permanent scowl etched on his face. He is built as big as the giant teddy bear and only a couple inches shorter. Not someone I would want to piss off or run across in a dark alley.

Next are two guys that are about the same build and height and only slightly shorter than glasses boy and are slimmer in the hips. One of them is wearing a crisp white button down shirt and black slacks. He is way over dressed for this school. Well, all of them are but he is even more so than the rest. Studying the rest of him I see that he has brown wavy hair that reaches the nape of his neck and brown eyes that seem to burn from within.

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