AN: Trying to explain...

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I'm so sorry, please don't leave.

First off, thank you to everyone who has read the first part of my story. Also I am sorry but this is not an update. I will be posting the official first chapter as soon as I have it written which should be soon, the introduction chapter was basically just a prologue but is still important.

However this is a section where I am going to try and explain a few things.
I know I did a horrible job at trying to explain counterparts and soulmates and this probably won't be much better but i am going to try and explain it a little better in here so you get a better idea. I will be trying to explain throughout the chapters but I know it is hard to understand at first and can be confusing so I'm going to try.

This will most likely be a bunch of rambling

Okay so the characters with powers are called counterparts. The counterparts are paired at birth with another or multiple people (think of your best friend who you can't live without)

These groups of people make a perfect balance for the world/universe kind of like a puzzle that fits together. However you also have a soulmate, your soul mate is a part of you and also a piece of your puzzle. Since you can have more than one counterpart they aren't as big of a piece of you as your soulmate is they help build/amplify your powers when your connections are made. But with your soulmate they are your life, if they die so do you and since your group would no longer be complete you can no longer stay living forever because they would be unbalanced but they wouldn't die immediately. They start aging from the point they left off at so say 100 years ago you stopped aging at 22. Well now you will make it to 23. You would continue to keep your powers and still take on missions for the academy. Also you and your soulmate can receive each others powers except in rare circumstances like a rare power.

So let's see if I can explain counterpart groups I'm abbreviating it to CP so it's less typing

These are just examples. This does not mean I am using them

CP1= Rocky, Jay, Mike, Greg, and Eric

CP2= Jade, Karen, Danielle, Marie, + someone other girl

These groups are mirrors of each other which means their soulmates for the whole group are in your mirrored group. So essentially when one finds their soulmate they all do and this forms a 'family'

So kind of like having all of your friendships as well as your relationships together happily. I'm not really sure if that made sense to anyone but me.

Another possibility is pairs within a group so like:

CP= Rocky, Jade, Jay, Danielle etc.

Instead of finding a mirrored group your group could be split into soulmates. For this story there is the possibility of having more than one soulmate but it is not common.

Okay so instead of trying to continue to make myself sound stupid I am going to stop this here.

If you have any more questions because I'm sure this made no sense, don't hesitate to ask. I can be confusing sometimes and I will explain anything the best I can.

Sorry about this and an update will be posted soon.

Thanks (:


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