Chapter 5

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Okay so i'm starting to slow down, I'm trying my best to get new chapters out but I am having problems getting my words onto paper without them sounding like a mess. I have next weeks chapter almost ready to post so I at least know that one will be on time. with any luck I will have every chapter posted on time but I may sometimes be late due to the story not cooperating properly.

Please let me know what you think. I have no idea how I am doing so this could suck for all I know.

Thank you my lovely readers

When the end of 5th period bell rang, Victor offered to walk me to my last class. Waving goodbye to Dr. Green we make our way to where the locker rooms are located for gym. I am never excited for this class. It's not like I can just hide away from everyone, they make everyone participate in all of the activities.

Victor and I were talking about small things while he walked me to class. I learned a few things about him like his favorite color which is white or silver. Or things he likes to do like working with computers and that he used to play the piano. "Do you like playing the piano?"

He shrugs "I used to."

"What changed?" I stop in the hallway in front of the locker rooms and turn to face him.

"I guess being forced on stage growing up took away everything I enjoyed about it, being in front of a bunch of rich people who didn't really care. They were just there for their social status."

I feel my eyebrows scrunch together and push my finger to my lip "Are you still being forced to perform?" He shakes his head "When was the last time you played for just yourself or even your friends?"

His shoulders droop "I don't remember"

I give him a small smile "You shouldn't let other people ruin something that makes you happy. You should try playing again, you may find that you still love it just as much as you used to and if you ever want someone to be there to listen that would actually care about what you love, I would be happy to volunteer and be there for you as I am sure the rest of the guys would."

His face brightens with happiness and the fire in his eyes is blazing "Thank you Sang that means a lot."

"You're welcome Victor. You should probably get to class now before you are late."

We wave goodbye to each other and I turn towards the girl's locker room. Okay Sang, deep breath just one more class for the day and you are done with your first day. After I built up as much courage as I could I walked in and noticed that it was basically empty in here so I quickly went back to my locker that was assigned to me when I first started here and shove my belongings into it after I find my gym uniform in the bottom of my bag. The uniform wasn't anything special but it was better than wearing my school clothes.

When I'm done changing, the bell has already signaled the start of class and I walk quickly into the gymnasium. Thankfully since it is the first day they don't care as much if you are a little late. Walking in I notice that Gabriel and Nathan have this class with me and it looks like they have been waiting for me to get here, I see them breathe out in relief and wave at me. Gabriel looks much more excited than Nathan and I smile and wave to them both. Maybe having them in this class will make it a little better. I noticed that the buzzing from Gabriel's bond has calmed down to a minor buzzing and increases slightly the closer I get to him. I smile to myself as I walk to my spot on the other side of the gym with the girls, maybe I'll be able to form the bonds with the rest of the guys sooner than expected.

After roll call the coaches decide that we are going to mix the boys and girls together and then split into two separate sports. Group A will be playing Basketball on the boys half of the court and group B will set up nets on the girl's side to play volleyball. Nathan was put in group A to play basketball and Gabriel and I were in group B. I look up at Nathan and he looks sad that he is by himself and then Gabriel runs up to me and puts his arm around my shoulders and turns me towards where the nets are being set up. "Come on Trouble, let's go get sorted into teams."

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