Chapter 12: Food!!!

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A/N: What is this?! Two updates?! Yup! Here's to make it up for the late update! :) Hope you guys like it!

Haha, lol, Food!

Who loves food?


Chapter 12: Food!!!

"That smells so good!" Brett exclaimed.

"Mhmmm," Hitogaku and Katatsura hummed.

"Wah... I want a taste!" Yato exclaimed, his mouth watering.

"For once, I agree with Yato," Yukine said, smiling as he inhaled the aroma.

"So Soma is a contestant?" Yato asked.

"Hai, he's a finalist," Tetsuya answered.

They were at a huge International Gourmet Competition, and one of Tetsuya's cousins, Yukihira Soma was in it. Tetsuya, Brett, Hitogaku, Katatsura, Yato and Yukine were there to support him.

"So, how does this whole competition work again?" Hitogaku asked.

"Well, there are three rounds in the finals. Each round consists of the chef to make a different type of meal. The first and second rounds are like gourmet meals or something, and the last round is to make a dessert," Yukine answered, looking at the brochure they were given.

"Soma will win!" Yato exclaimed.

"He does make some great food," Brett agreed.

"But then again, all the cooks here are good," Katatsura said.

"Minna!" Suddenly Soma appeared, in his usual attired, the Yukihira shirt and apron. "You guys came? Wah, I feel so special." He grinned.

"Nope, we're just here to eat the free food," Hitogaku deadpanned.

"Yup, nothing beats free food," Brett followed.

"Hai, though I would like to know where the vanilla milkshakes are," Tetsuya said, looking around.

"Eh? Soma-kun? Who are they?" A girl appeared behind him. And then more people behind him too.

"Orh, these are my cousins, Tetsuya, Hitogaku and Katatsura. And our childhood friends, Brett, Yato and Yukine," Soma introduced. "Guys, these are my friends from high-school."

"Nice to meet you," they all greeted.

"Oh, I have to go now! I've got to get to my station before the start," Soma said, before he ran off.

"We have to go to the stands, so we'll see you guys later," the girl said, before she and the others left.

"So, what to do now?" Hitogaku asked.

"Food!!!" Yato and Brett exclaimed, running over to the different food booths around. The others just sighed, before following after them. They can get so out of hand sometimes.


Soma easily got through the first two rounds, earning one of the highest points in both.

"Next time Yukihira! You'll be out of the running in the third round!" a girl, Nakiri Erina said, glaring at Soma. They were waiting in the hallway for the third round to begin.

"Eh? Really? But you seemed to enjoyed eating my food," Soma said smugly, to which Erina blushed at.

"S-Shut up Yukihira!" she stuttered. Then she smirked. "Besides, in the next round, you'll be out for sure. The dessert judge will kick you out."

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