Chapter 2

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I looked back and saw that I was ascending into a net. I was trapped , and I knew I had to react quickly, so I screamed "HELP!" at the top of my lungs. My pod was much ahead of me, but I hoped/prayed that they could hear me. Only my mother heard me, and she swam as fast as she could towards me before trying to break the net by biting through it. But I suppose it was too late. She started panicking and crying, and I cried too. I was not ready to leave my pod, my family, my mother. I needed a miracle to save me. Unfortunately, none came. I was trapped and taken into a large place where I saw a lot of my enemies, my predators: humans. I remember seeing the water below me and then everything went black...

I opened my eyes and felt wet. Everything around me seemed blue. I started to move around the little pond-like area and I thought I was in heaven. I tried to swim out of this place but there were big barriers. I saw another killer whale across from me and swam toward her.

"Hello, how do you do?" I asked her.

"Oh hello!" she exclaimed, "Sorry, I didn't see you there. My name is Tina. What about you?"

"My name is James but you can call me Jamie! Errr, where exactly are we?"

"Right, you just got here. We're in a waterpark called Muller's Island. Welcome to Munich!"

"Sorry, but what's a waterpark?" I asked awkwardly.

"We perform for an audience. We are taught stunts and we do them in the main pool!"

"What is a pool? What kind of stunts?" I asked.

"You need to train first. After you have learned everything, we perform everyday!"

"Sounds fun! How long have you-" I got interrupted after hearing a loud whistle.

"We'll talk later. You have to go to the trainer and do what she tells you. Trainer Emma is really kind," explained Tina.

I swam toward the trainer at the edge of the pool. I saw a beautiful, tall woman with brown hair. Her blue colored eyes examined me thoroughly as she stroked my back and moved around the edge of the pool. I followed her like Tina told me to.

We reached a larger pool, and I wondered if this was the training pool where I would learn all the stunts.

"Hello little angel! You must be the new killer whale. The head said that I could name you... I am going to call you James because my childhood best friend's name is James! I am Emma and I will be your trainer," said e Emma.

I screeched, which meant I understood what she was saying. I also was amazed that she coincidentally named me what was actually already my name!

"This is the training pool,where you will learn to do awesome tricks for a group of excited people! You will begin training tomorrow with another trainer, Trainer Brook," described Emma.

She led me back to the pool that Tina and I shared, and I realized that I was really fond of Trainer Emma, as she was kind and gentle. I was looking forward to my new life, but on the other hand, I really missed Mother and everyone else in the pod.

"How is Trainer Brook? Is he as kind and gentle as Trainer Emma? I really hope he is!" I wondered to myself quietly.

Unfortunately, James the killer whale was wrong. Trainer Brook was absolutely not kind and gentle. In fact, he was the complete opposite of a kind and gentle trainer.

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