Chapter 6

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31st of March, 1980- James' (Killer Whale) Performance

I was looking forward to my second public performance. I hoped that everything would go smoothly. I heard a loud whistle and came out of the water. I expected to see Trainer Emma but instead I saw the mean trainer, Brook. I followed him to the backstage of the stage pool and once again, expected Trainer Emma to be waiting there for me. But she was not there...

I began to feel a little worried and then I heard the presenter say, "Excuse me for a moment, please."

He gathered the entire crew of the performance and I managed to overhear somethings.

Mr Karl, the presenter, said, "Trainer Emma is nowhere to be found. She may be late so we need someone else to perform with James."

Within a second, Trainer Brook volunteered himself to perform with me. I was starting to get suspicious because he seemed to know exactly what was going on.

The Evil Scheme

"Leave me alone, don't touch me," said Emma.

"Remain silent, girl," said Tom, "you aren't performing today."

Tom had a handkerchief and tied it around Emma's mouth to keep her silent. He pulled her to the shed and tied her hands and legs to a chair.

"I hope you enjoy," said Tom, before taunting her with an evil laugh, and walking away.

Emma grunted and fidgeted, trying to break out of the chair. However, after a minute of trying, she couldn't.

Tom laughed once again, walked out of the shed, and locked the door.

The performance

"Thank you for waiting so patiently. Now let the show begin!" said Mr Karl, the presenter.

Trainer Brook blew his whistle two times and said, "Go, do your first act. Hurry up, you don't have all day."

I glided to the middle of the pool and made a very small splash, barely wetting the audience. I heard a lot of 'boos'. I was feeling sad but I didn't know what was wrong with me. I was starting to wonder where Trainer Emma really was. I hoped she was okay.

Trainer Brook blew his whistle twice once again and I went to the dock-like place and expected fish for doing the first act, but I didn't get any. Instead, I got a whip from Trainer Brook. I really hated that man and I was beginning to feel very frustrated...

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