Chapter 1

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Hello. My name is James, but you can call me Jamie, and I am a killer whale. Today, I am going to tell you the story of my entire life. My tale begins in my home, the oceans of Iceland.

I awoke one very cool day in the ocean. It was nearing winter and the warmer days were slowly starting to fade away. I was ready for another day of travelling and finding food with my pod. You see, killer whales travel in groups, called pods, of around 6-30. Pods find food and basically journey from one place to another. I travel with my family and two other families. Including myself, that is around fifteen of us travelling together in the pod; 5 from my family, including my parents, my siblings and I, and 10 orcas from the other two families. I have two brothers, Leo, who is six years old, and Chris, who is four years old. In fact, I am the youngest member of my family as I am only two years. This is really good for me because my two older brothers are like my role models! Sometimes, I wish I wasn't the youngest because I often get left out.

I am fortunate to have two friends to travel with, one being my friend Simon's family, which includes his parents and his two older sisters ,and my other friend, Nate's family, which includes his parents and his older twin brothers.

We began to gradually speed up to find food ,as everyone was starting to feel slightly peckish. We saw a few sea lions, which excited me, as those are my favourite meals. We separated to circle them and slowly made the circle smaller, trapping the sea lions and giving them no space to move. That is our pod's main way of trapping marine animals such as squids, rays, fish, octopuses,and sharks, which is our basic diet.

Then my father, Leo, Simon's father and Nate's father dashed and nabbed the sea lions. They carefully split the sea lions equally between everyone. My generous mother knows that sea lions are my favourite food, so she sacrificed her entire share and gave it to me.

"Are you sure Mother? Don't you feel hungry?" I inquired .

"Yes, darling. I know that you love sea lions. Enjoy it!"

She licked me smoothly, showing affection and love. I really love Mother ,we have a very special bond, and we love and care for each other very much.

We munched on the rich and tasty meat. I was the first one to finish it, as I generally eat my favourite food at breakneck speed, just like I imagine you do! I wandered off from my pod for a moment to digest my food, came back, and licked my lips to finish the remaining meat before burping loudly! Nate started giggling, but Simon was in a very bad mood as all the bubbles from when I burped went straight toward his face!

After everyone finished off their share of sea lions, we started moving in our pod once again. We were all gliding, which in this context means to move slowly and smoothly, as we were all stuffed and happy with our meal.

I always move beside Mother in the pod because I really love my mother ,and she cares for me too. I really need her and my life would be incomplete without her. I am very thankful I have her, as she takes care of me to her utmost best effort.

"Well come on, let's move a bit faster now!" said Father.

Just as I was about to accelerate, I felt something heavy on my back. I was starting to feel uncomfortable as I couldn't escape and move out of it, so I look behind me. When I saw what it was, my voice echoed through me. HELP!

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