Chapter 7

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I went to the dock-like place and Trainer Brook got on my back. I was frustrated and my blood was boiling. I couldn't stand being here and doing all these stunts in a water park.

I had a plan that was more dangerous than ever. I was going to finish off Trainer Brook. I shook him off my back and he fell into the water. The audience gasped in fear. Under the water, Trainer Brook tried to blow his whistle three times, to end this. But I wasn't listening to that nonsense. I nabbed his arm and he yelped in pain and agony. I was not giving him any more mercy. I dragged him under the water; while he tried to swim back up. He was getting weaker and weaker by the second.

The audience were screaming and running all over the place in fear. I kept pushing Trainer Brook deeper and deeper into the water until we reached the base of the pool. Then, he stopped moving. He stopped breathing. I didn't believe I did it. I suffocated a trainer in front of a terrified audience. Muller's Island turned me into a murderer.

Everything seemed to be a disaster. The presenter called out, "I'm very sorry about today. Err, umm, thank you and see you next time."

Another trainer, who I had never seen before, led me to the small pool I shared with Tina. I got back and Tina asked me what was wrong. I didn't want to talk about it and I went to a corner and tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't. I tossed and turned, wondering what would happen next... 

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