Chapter 8

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Years have past since the incident on March 31, 1980. I am now 21 years old and it is the year 1997. I have stopped doing performances ever since the incident for the following reasons, the judges in court thought that I was a dangerous killer whale, and shouldn't be interacting with humans, and because they found that I have a lung infection.

They said I most probably got this from a virus.

Muller's Island is trying to help and care for me. They give me a daily dose of medicine and vitamins to keep me healthy.

I have been scraping through all of these years and I feel very lonely. Tina, my pool partner, was moved to a different pool because of my infection and I haven't heard from her ever since.

I have not enjoyed my life and I still miss my mother. Sometimes, I remember my family and the pod, wondering what they are doing at the moment. I feel like everything that has happened on Muller's Island, the incident, the abuse, have unhinged me . They were debating whether I should be sent away to another water park, but they decided to keep me.

After the incident, there were cameras and news reporters constantly in front of me. I didn't move and try to stay away from those people to avoid danger. I am still traumatised and afraid. I want to end all of this and go back home to the oceans of Island. I began to feel weaker and weaker everyday. Last week, I thought I had collapsed and died. I really miss the old days of joy. Now, my life is just full of misery and sadness...

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