Chapter 9

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Today, February 27, 1998, I woke up with the worst torture. I felt pain all over, and I couldn't stand it any longer. There was no cure to a severe infection like this, and I had given up hope. I passed the day, struggling to breathe.

It was a long day and the pain was unbearable. The entire day, I laid in one spot, not able to move. I felt weak and I was crying out in agony.

I was tired, as I watched the sun sink into the horizon, leaving only multicolored strokes in the sky to prove it was ever there. I tried to get some sleep but I could not. I tossed and turned all night. I needed my mother more than ever. I missed her unconditionally, and hoped I would get just one chance to see her again. Muller's Island has taken everything from me: my home, my family, my pod, my friends. They were all I had and it was all gone. I wished I had a better life.

I was up all night with no sleep at all. It was already early in the morning; the sun had just risen. I had unbearable pain and I finally gave up. I couldn't be here any longer. I closed my eyes and rested for a long time. All I saw was black and slowly, my hearing began to fade. I sank to the base of the pool and felt sadness one last time...

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