~ Chapter 1

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The adventures begin again!! Pictures of the kids as teenagers on the side, taking note they're not that old yet! Please help me get the word out about the sequel so no one misses out! Thanks for reading!!


**Maddie's POV**

It's ten years after the war. Everything that happened is becoming distant, blurred memories. Everyone is living happy lives now, free of fear.

"How's your reading coming, Fi?" I ask. Fiona looks up at me and sighs.

Well, nearly everyone is happy...

"Let me help," I say, sitting down beside her.

"Mummy, I don't want to read," she says, "I want to draw."

"You have to learn how to read," I tell her, "you already know how to draw."

This isn't a lie. Even at six she's a real little artist.

"Come on, let's try this," I say, opening the book in front of her, "can you read this word?"

"Ca-ca-s-t-le, castle."

"You don't have to say the 't' sound," I tell her, "it's just castle."

She groans.

"Come on," I say gently, "what about this word?"

"Ho-ho-li-holi-day, holiday."

"Good, this one?"

"I'm home!"

"Daddy!" Fiona cries, leaping to her feet and running into the hall. I sigh and pack up the books. George comes in with Fiona in one arm and her twin, Laurence in the other.

"Where are the rest of my kids?" George asks, "usually there's a hundred of them!"

I walk over to the stairs.



Like a stampede, Carmen, Teddy, Fred and Olivia rush down the stairs, pushing each other, closely followed by Simon and Paul. Coming in last, and almost falling down the stairs, are Jessica, William and Lucy.

While they're all swarming around George, using him as a climbing block, let me fill you in on our kids. I know I said I'd only have three max, but that plan died and decomposed. So, you already know Alithea, she's twelve now, Carmen, Fred and Teddy are eleven and about to start out at Hogwarts in a few days' time, Olivia is ten and the prettiest of the kids, but we don't tell her or anyone else that, Simon Jacob and Paul Jackson are nine. Simon is a sporty kid, always on the move, and Paul is a lot like Percy. We think it's because Percy is his Godfather, but we can't be sure. Laurence Ryan and Fiona Joyce are both six and completely opposed to anything academic. Arthur gave Laurence a keyboard when he was three and he demanded lessons when he was five. He's a musical genius, but again, we don't tell anyone that. Fiona was born with a pencil in her hand. Not literally, but she's a drawer. She'll often disappear for hours at a time and draw. Jessica Molly, William Arthur and Lucy Anne are four and all very different. Jessica is very loud and confident and loves animals. I don't think she's ever been afraid of anything. We visited Charlie in Romania over Christmas and she went up and started patting a dragon. I almost died of fright, but she was fine. William, who shares his name with Bill, gets bullied by Jessica and Lucy a lot. They tend to gang up on him and he's a total Mama's boy because of that. I think that's why, anyway. Lucy is very shy. She hates meeting new people and when she has to hides her face in either George's or my shoulder. She's pretty quiet and prefers to play by herself rather than with her brothers and sisters. They all have red hair and hazel eyes. Score twelve to me!

Managing The Mischief ~ Sequel to A Master of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now