~ Chapter 23

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**Maddie’s POV**

“She’s beautiful,” I say looking down at my granddaughter. Alithea looks exhausted, but smiles.

“She’s perfect,” she whispers, “is this how you felt when you saw me?”

“Exactly like this,” I tell her, “have you chosen a name?”

“Maddison,” Alithea says, “Maddison Claire.”

I feel tears well up in my eyes as I brush back the bright red curls on little Maddison’s forhead. She opens her eyes, my eyes, and looks up at me.

“Dad cried, didn’t he?” She smiles. I nod.

“He cried a lot,” I chuckle. Alithea leans her head against my arm.

“I’m scared, Mum,” she says, “I don’t know what to do.”

“Welcome to motherhood,” I tell her, giving her a squeeze, “being a Mum is scary.”

She lifts Maddison up onto her shoulder and holds her close.

“It’s worth it, though, right?” she asks. I look down at her with tears in my eyes and nod.

“It’s so worth it.”


“How’ve you been feeling?” I ask Fred, walking into the shop.

“Great,” he says, “you?”

“Much better,” I tell him, “I think it was just the flu. And I did some more research on the spell. It’s been used before.”

“Oh, really?” he asks, interested, “what happened?”

I laugh.

“They lived happily ever after,” I tell him. He laughs too.

“Well, it’s a perfect ending,” he comments, wiping down an empty shelf, “how’s Alithea?”

“Exhausted, stressed and happier than I’ve ever seen anyone,” I reply, fiddling with a little toy, “it’s strange, seeing them all growing up.”

“Teddy and Vic are official, right?” he asks, throwing me a rag. I catch it and nod, smiling.

“They got engaged last weekend,” I say, “in a way it hurts, watching them all growing up and leaving us. I’m glad I still have Ari.”

Managing The Mischief ~ Sequel to A Master of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now