~ Chapter 19

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**Olivia’s POV**

I wake up at sunrise and realise Lionel left me out here alone. I tug my shorts back up and walk upstairs to get changed.

“Going to let me in yet?” I ask the Fat Lady.

“Not with that attitude,” she says.

“Wiggleston,” I sigh.

The portrait hole swings forward and I climb through. I walk up to my dormitory and take a shower. When I come out of the bathroom Carmen is waiting on my bed looking most displeased. She points at me then at the door. I follow her downstairs to the empty common room.

“Sit,” she snaps, pointing at the couch. I sit down and watch her. She’s pacing back and forth like Mum does when she’s really, really mad.

“So, after we talk to you about being a good role model,” she laughs bitterly, “you go and start smoking these?”

She holds up a packet of Lionel’s cigarettes.

“They’re not mine,” I tell her, “they’re Lionel’s.”

“I know that they’re Lionel’s,” Carmen says, “I confiscated them off him.”

“So what’s your problem?” I ask, picking at my nails.

“My problem is that you’re smoking them,” Carmen snaps.

“No I’m not,” I lie. Carmen rolls her eyes.

“You stink of them,” she says, “and your clothes have ash on them. Oh, and Hutch saw you.”

Hutch is the grounds keeper. He lives in a hut in the grounds and he gets on really well with most students. I think he’s an idiot. He hates me.

“Whatever,” I smirk, “Hutch is just making things up.”

“Really?” Carmen asks, “funny, Lionel said he was sharing one with you last night… But, honestly, compared to what happened next, the cigarettes are nothing.”

She crumples them up and for a moment I think she’s going to through them in the fire, but sadly, she knows better.

“What happened after that?” I ask her.

“I think you know,” she says softly, “and you’re better than that.”

“Better than what?” I challenge.

“Better than having sex in the dirt!” Carmen yells. I freeze. I had no idea anyone knew about that.

“Look, it was bad enough doing it in classrooms last year,” Carmen begins.

“How did you know about that?” I interrupt.

“Everyone knows, Liv,” Carmen says, looking somewhat disgusted, “Lionel made sure everyone knew. Didn’t you wonder why no one wants to be around you anymore?”

“Fuck you!” I yell, jumping to my feet, “fuck you!”

I run out of the tower and down to where I know Lionel will be: the same place he was last night.


Lionel looks up from his cigarette.

“What?” he asks, looking dazed and slightly cross eyed.


“Why wouldn’t I?” he smirks, “I did the prettiest Weasley girl. That’s an achievement to be proud of.”

Managing The Mischief ~ Sequel to A Master of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now