~ Chapter 13

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**Maddie’s POV**

I run towards George’s voice. He’s holding Alithea tight to his chest. She doesn’t seem to be conscious.

“Get a blanket and some warm water,” George says quietly. I run inside and straight to the kitchen.

“There’s a blanket on the couch,” I call to George, filling a bowl with water. I hurry out to them, slopping water everywhere, and fall to my knees beside the couch. Alithea’s face is white and ice cold. Her hair is damp and her clothes are covered with dirt. Her knees are covered in dry blood and her bare feet are blistered. I gently start bathing her knees, washing away the dirt and blood. George wraps the blanket around her and strokes her hair.

“Alithea,” he calls softly, “Alithea.”

She doesn’t stir, but Molly does.

“What’s going on?” she asks sleepily.

“We found her,” George replies.

“Oh!” Molly cries, rushing over, “oh, thank goodness!”

I pull out my wand and run it over her feet, making the blisters disappear. She still doesn’t stir.

Enervate,” I breathe. Her eyes blink open, the dark hazel standing out against her white skin.

“Mum,” she murmurs.

“I’m right here,” I tell her, squeezing her hand. She nods slightly and closes her eyes again.

“Let’s get her into bed,” George says, stooping and gathering her up. I stay close beside him as he carries her up to her room and lays her on the bed. I tuck her in and kiss her on the forehead.

“Come on,” George says, putting an arm around my waist.

“Where was she?” I ask, sitting down on the couch, weak with relief. Molly has gone, probably to let everyone know George found her.

“I’m not sure,” George admits, “I was just walking through a forest, calling and then I heard this little noise, so I followed it and there she was.”

“Thank goodness,” I sigh, tears filling my eyes. George pulls me against him.

“George, I’m so sorry,” I tell him, “about everything. I never should have left. I love you so much.”

He doesn’t say anything. He just kisses me and I know exactly what that means. That’s the great thing about knowing someone as well as I know George. You don’t need words.

“Maddie, wake up.”

George shakes me gently. I open my eyes and cringe against the sunlight blazing in.

“What time is it?” I mumble.

“Nine,” he says. I sit up and rub my eyes.

“Alithea’s just woken up,” he says, “I thought we should talk to her together.”

“Please don’t yell at her,” I beg him, getting up.

“I won’t,” he promises with a smile.

We walk hand in hand up to Alithea’s room. She’s sitting up in bed, brushing out her tangled hair.

“So, it worked, did it?” she asks, looking at us.

“Did what work?” I ask, sitting on the edge of her bed and taking one of her hands.

“You two are back together,” she says. I give her a funny look.


Alithea smiles slightly and lays her brush aside.

“Well, I knew it was my fault you separated,” she says, “so I decided I had to get you back together. I decided I’d run away because you’d want to find me, so you’d have to work together.”

“It wasn’t your fault we separated,” I protest.

“I know it was,” she interrupts, “it’s okay, really. Just… Mum, can you move back here? I have nothing to complain about any more.”

I pull her into a tight hug.

“Dad, Mum’s trying to kill me!” she squeaks. I laugh and let her go, wiping my eyes.

“Never do that to us again,” I tell her. She grins.

“No promises.”

“I haven’t seen you smile for so long,” I say, touching her face. She looks away and shrugs.

“While we’re having a little honest time, why don’t you tell us why?” George asks. Alithea tucks her knees up under her chin.

“I don’t have any reason to smile,” she says.

“What about us?” I ask, “and your brothers and sisters?”

“Why would they give me a reason to smile?” Alithea asks. I glance at George.

“Okay, honey, tell us what’s going on,” I tell her. She looks away.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she sighs.

“It’s time you did,” George says, “if we’ve done something wrong you need to tell us.”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“Why not?”

She looks around at me.

“Because it was always about you,” she tells me.

“Look, Lith, we both love you-” George begins.

“No you don’t,” she interrupts him, “Mum might, but you don’t. I know you don’t.”

“I do!” George says earnestly, “I almost died when I realised you were gone!”

“And how long did that take you?” Alithea asks coldly.

“I realised something was wrong when you weren’t home before dark,” George says, “I thought you’d just gone to Mum’s, but then she said you weren’t there.”

“That’s when we started looking,” I put in.

“Wow, you must be exhausted,” Alithea rolls her eyes. I nod.

“It’s worth it though,” I tell her, “I’d rather die than lose you.”

“When can I go back to school?”

I glance at George in surprise.

“Uh, not for a few more weeks,” he says. She groans and leans back against the wall.

“You can’t tell me I’m stuck here for weeks with the brats!” she complains. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

“Yep,” George says cheerfully, “now everything is back to normal again.”

“Kill me now.”

“We’ll leave you to rest,” I say quietly, standing up, “I’ll bring you up some breakfast.”

I walk out with George close behind.

“Are we ever going to get her back?” I ask, looking up at him. He sighs.

“I don’t know,” he admits, “I just don’t know.”



Sorry, just a bit of angst there. Hope you guys liked this chapter, sorry about the long wait. Just a random question, do any of you guys have your belly buttons pierced and if you do, what do you do if it gets infected? Mine is right now and it hurts like a turd :P

Managing The Mischief ~ Sequel to A Master of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now