~ Chapter 18

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Warning: I cried in this chapter… And the ending is awful... Anyway, I'll stop ruining it... Read on!!

**Maddie’s POV**

“Morning, honey,” I yawn, kissing George, “time to get up.”


“George, I have enough children to deal with without you acting like one too,” I tell him, “now, get up or you’ll be late for work.”

“Don’t want to.”

“George,” I put my hands on my hips, “you know what today is.”

He peeks out at me from under the blankets.

“I know,” he sighs, “can you just go through menopause already? Doesn’t it all stop after that?”

I narrow my eyes at him.

“Okay, okay, I’m up,” he sighs, swinging his legs out of bed. I walk down stairs to the kitchen. To my surprise Alithea is up having breakfast.

“Oh my gosh, the monster has risen before midday,” I tease her, “what’s the occasion?”

“I’m going out again,” she says, checking her watch, “but I don’t have anything to wear.”

I turn and raise an eyebrow at her. She pretends not to notice, but her ears turn red.

“Are you going with anyone in particular?” I ask casually. Alithea clears her throat.

“With Luke,” she says, her voice higher than usual.

“Oh, okay, and is it a date?”

I can see her trying not to smile as she replies.

“It is!” I cry, “oh, Miss Alithea, you have a boyfriend!”

“Who has a boyfriend?” George asks walking in.

“Alithea does,” I tease.

“Mum!” Alithea groans, “shut up!”

“I don’t think you’re old enough for a boyfriend,” George frowns, “you should focus on getting a job and figure out what you want to do with your life.”

“Dad! Oh my goodness,” Alithea huffs, “I’m eighteen!”

“Exactly!” George responds, “barely out of school.”

“Where are you going, anyway?” I ask.

“We’re going to get coffee and see a movie,” Alithea says, “Grandad gave me some muggle money.”

“You can borrow my blue dress if you like,” I tell her.

“You’re the best!” she cries, dashing out.

“Who’s the boy?” George asks. I shoot him a smile.

“Well, Mr Protective-Dad,” I smile, “it’s Luke Wood.”

“I never liked that kid.”

“Yes, you did,” I laugh, “you said he was a brilliant keeper.”

“That has nothing to do with his character,” George counters, “look at his uncle.”

“George, you had me pregnant at sixteen,” I point out, “you can hardly judge.”

“How do I look?” Alithea asks, skidding back into the kitchen. She’s wearing my old blue dress and it fits her perfectly. She looks like a young woman.

“You look beautiful, darling,” I tell her, “much better choice of shoes.”

“Thanks, see you later!” she says, dashing off down the hall.

“Not too late!” I call back. I hear her disapparate and sink into a chair.

“What’s wrong?” George asks as I start crying into a dish towel.

“That’s my baby girl,” I weep, “she’s my baby! And she’s going on a date!”

George laughs, but wraps his arms around me.

“Poor little Maddie,” he coos, “all her birdies flying the nest.”

“Not quite all of them,” I laugh as Arianwen runs into the room and jumps on my lap. I hold her as close and tightly as I can. After all, it was only yesterday I held Alithea like this and now she’s too big to hold.

**Olivia’s POV**

I sit staring at McGonagall thinking that it can’t be legal for someone to be as old as she is.

“You haven’t even been back for one day and you’re in trouble,” she scolds, “skipping classes to be with a boy. I’d have thought your mother could have taught you some sense.”


Oh great, Mr and Miss Perfect Head Boy and Girl. This is all I need.

“Fred, Carmen, your sister did not attend any of her classes today,” McGonagall says, “I will be writing home to your parents, but I hope you will be able to influence her as well. I do not want to expel her.”

“Yes, professor,” Carmen says, “Olivia, come on.”

I follow them out into the hallway.

“What were you thinking?” Carmen asks, “missing classes? Don’t you understand how badly that reflects on all of us? Fiona and Laurence just started, they need good role models.”

“Mum and Dad will be so disappointed,” Fred adds, “none of the other cousins have caused trouble. All last year you were pushing it and it was hard on Alithea. This year three of us are doing our NEWTs, the least you could do is behave.”

“Whatever,” I shrug. I walk away from them.

“Olivia, it’s past curfew,” Carmen calls, “we’re going back to the tower.”

I ignore her and keep walking. I can go in later.

“Wiggleston,” I tell the Fat Lady. She looks down her nose at me.

“Curfew has past,” she says.

“I know,” I shrug, “wiggleston.”

“Your brother and sister told me not to let you in,” she says. I roll my eyes.

“That’s stupid,” I say, “wiggleston.”

“I suggest you sleep in the Hospital Wing tonight,” she continues, “Nurse Rosie is rather friendly, you know.”

“I’m not sleeping in the hospital,” I sneer, “let me in. I’ve given you the password!”

“Excuse me, I do believe I see Mr Hendricks,” she says, walking out of her portrait.

“Come back!” I yell.

Stupid Carmen! Stupid Fred! Stupid FAT LADY!

I pace up and down in front of the empty portrait. Finally I decide to go and see if Lionel is still up.

I walk out into the cool grounds and sniff the air for the tell-tale scent of Lionel’s cigarettes. I smell the faint smell of them and follow it around the side of the castle.

“Hey,” I say when I see him. He jumps and clutches his heart.

“Bloody hell, you scared me,” he says, “what’re you doing out? Thought McGonagall got ya.”

“Yeah, she did,” I shrug, sitting down next to him, “but I got locked out of the tower.”

“Shit,” he shakes his head and hands me his cigarette. I take a drag and start to cough.

“Gotten soft over the holidays, Weasel?” he teases.

“No,” I snap taking another long drag. Lionel leans over and kisses me roughly, pulling my shirt up. I lie back and look at the stars, the cigarette making me numb.

Managing The Mischief ~ Sequel to A Master of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now