~ Chapter 3

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**Alithea’s POV**

I lean back against the hard seat of the train and wish I was home. I glance across the hallway at Fred, Teddy and Carmen in their compartment. They all look so happy and excited.

“Hey, you three,” a boy says, “get out, we want this compartment.”

He shoves Teddy to the ground. He has two friends with him. They look as if they’re in seventh year.

“Alithea!” Carmen calls as the leader grabs Fred and shoves him against a wall. I lean over and pull the blinds down on the door so I can’t see out. Then I lie down and try to go to sleep.

I sit by myself at the end of the Gryffindor table and watch the first years begin to get sorted.

“Lupin, Theodore!”

I feel a jolt of shock as Teddy walks up to be sorted.


He grins at me and goes to sit next to me.

“Keep walking,” I scowl, pushing him away.

Carmen and Fred both make Gryffindor too. After the feast the three of them crowd together, talking excitedly. As I walk past them I notice that Fred has a black eye and Teddy’s lip has dried blood on it.

“Alithea!” Carmen calls. I duck into the crowd and run up a short cut.

Once in my dormitory I sit and look around. The room is big and empty. I’m the only girl in Gryffindor in my year. It’s lonely sometimes, not having any friends.

**Maddie’s POV**

“It would be easier if we were living in Hogsmead,” I tell George, “then we’d be able to oversee the shop all the time and we’d be closer to Hogwarts.”

“I know,” he sighs, “but it’s such a big move. I don’t know if I want to uproot the whole family, especially while you’re pregnant.”

“Better to do it earlier than later,” I point out. George sighs again and ruffles his hair.

“Let me think it over,” he says, “have you heard from the kids yet?”

“Not yet,” I reply, “it’s only been two days. I don’t think we need to worry yet.”

“I wish we could count on Alithea to watch them,” George says, picking Lucy up off the floor and giving her a hug, “bed time, Missy.”

I watch him carry her upstairs and take his place on the couch. I wish Alithea wasn’t… Alithea. I jump as an owl swoops in and lands on my leg. It’s a Hogwarts owl.

“George!” I call, excited. I tear the parchment away and unroll it. My heart stops when I realise it’s McGonagall’s writing, not any of the kids.

“George!” I cry, my voice strangled.

**Alithea’s POV**

I stand next to Fred in the hospital wing, waiting for McGonagall to come back. Fred’s eyes are closed and his face is pale. Carmen is sitting on the other side of the bed with Teddy, tears rolling down her cheeks. The doors at the end of the ward fly open and Mum sprints in, looking panicky. She runs straight to the bed and leans over Fred, followed closely by Dad. McGonagall stands a few feet away with Nurse Jade.

“Fred, darling,” Mum whispers. A tear falls from her eye onto his cheek and he opens his eyes slightly.

“Mummy,” he murmurs. She pulls him into a hug. I slide down the wall and sit on the floor, concealed by the bedside cabinet.

Managing The Mischief ~ Sequel to A Master of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now