~ Chapter 25

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This is dedicated to bluechick77 because I didn't reply to any of her comments in the last chapter <3


**Alithea's POV**

Losing Mum and Uncle Fred at the same time was a bit of a shock. Okay, that's an understatement. It was so sudden that strange that for weeks Dad and Auntie Steph were in shock. They had a double funeral and there wasn't a dry eye there. Arianwen didn't talk for about a year after they died and then Daddy passed away a few months after that, I think from a broken heart. Auntie Steph is still alive and well, although she misses Uncle Fred terribly and, although she won't admit it, she's getting old. All the uncles and aunts are and, even though I'll never admit it, I'm getting on in years now.  Carmen and Fred Jr took over the joke shop and it's doing fantastically, although it still makes me sad to see it sometimes.

My Maddison Claire is twenty-one and has a baby of her own on the way. Daddy and Mum ended up having eighty-sixgrandchildren and counting. I know! It's insane! It's a shame they only got to meet one of them.

I'll go through and tell you about my siblings and their families in order:

I have eight kids. Maddison (21), Julianna and Jason (19), Lauchlan (18), Jane (16), Ashleigh (13), Anthony (12) and Michael (9).

Carmen married a guy from Australia called Jonathon and they have six kids: Diana and Robert (17), Kylia and Patrick (13) and Sophia and Matthew (8).

Fred married Faith, a muggle-born, and they kept the Weasley tradition going with nine kids: Jace (18), Mark (17), Nicholas, (16), Peter (15), Kris (14), Sean (13), Nathaniel (12), Sebastian (11) and Daffodil (3). They had quite a streak of boys.

Teddy and Victoria definitely broke the tradition with only three kids: Jessie (19), Mia (16) and Jean (15).

Olivia, being the petted model she was, we thought would never have kids, however once she pulled her head in and realised that she wasn't the prettiest in the family anymore (enter Arianwen), married a nice guy and had seven kids: Lily and Maya (16), Caleb (12), Henry (11), Amelia (9) and Grace and Joshua (6).

Simon married a muggle-born, Lisa, also and has a family of soccer players. Literally. He has eleven kids which is his own soccer team: Jacey, Donna and Kimberly (15), Laurie and Tim (14), Kalene and Jennifer (13), Wade and Karlie (12) and Andrew and Mary (10).

Paul married a pure-blood(Katherine), but she's pretty nice anyway, and they have five cute kids: Noah (12), Kaity (10), Isabella (8), Amber (6) and Tammie (2).

Laurence met a girl on his travels as a musician in Europe called Lola. They have seven kids: Josephina (11), Mika and Jules (9), Marie and Joseph (8), Elizabeth (6) and Shane (5).

Fiona met a man in France when she went to have painting lessons there. They've got nine kids now: Tobias and Mindy (11), Ben (10), Hope (9), Kenneth (7), Giselle (6), Ruby and Rose (4) and Millie (2).

Jessica fell for one of Aunty Maya's cousin's kids while she was in Romania. He also comes from a big family and they ended up with six kids: Cameron (10), Rena (9), Samuel (7), Aimee (5), Aiden (3) and Delilah (1).

William's wife, Tori, died in childbirth, so he only has one baby, Lavina, who is 2.

Lucy's husband Tomas came from a family of two kids and always wanted a big family. Lucy came from a big family and always wanted a bigger family. So far they've got 11 kids: Jenna, Carla and Josie (8), Louisa and Melody (7), Talia and Eric (6), Ashlynn, Kelly and Isaac (4) and Reece (2).

Arianwen married a guy called Thomas Lee, the son of one of Mum and Dad's friends, and they've only been married for a little while, so they've only got three kids: Joyce (3), Lilianna (2) and James (6 months).

So, that's the family. The huge, loud family. Do you want to know the best thing? So far, except for Arianwen's babies, they all have red hair! You really can't stop the Weasley plague.

It's been twenty years today since Mum and Uncle Fred died. Every year we have a get together to honour them and Daddy and right now I can hear people arriving downstairs, so the last thing I'll say is what we had engraved on Mum, Daddy and Fred's graves.

Mischief Managed.


Hey guys! So, yeah this is the end... It wasn't really going anywhere, so I though it's better to quit while I'm ahead, BUT Australian Princess will be coming out soon! So keep an eye out for that! Also, in the last chapter the lost baby was a girl because I sort of forgot about it being a boy... My bad... Just ignore that, hey? I mean, when she lost the baby, it would have been too small for them to tell anyway... Anywho, thank you all for sticking with Maddison and I! Keep an eye out for new stories and you can now make requests to co-write stories, so message me!! Love you guys!! xoxo

Sequel: https://www.wattpad.com/125658598-the-mini-mischiefs-stories-from-mastering-the

Called Mini Mischiefs if the link doesn't work! :)

Managing The Mischief ~ Sequel to A Master of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now