Chapter 9: Playing the game

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"Ha! Got you!"

I squealed with glee as I took one of Andrew's mints from the step. Observing the remaining mints, I tried to figure out what was about to happen while unwrapping the mint. I placed it between my lips as I tried to figure out Andrew's next move. When I felt the cold flavour of the candy on the tip of my tongue, it refreshed my senses, helping me to think clearer. Carefully I ran the tip of my tongue over my lips, leaving a tickling sensation. Andrew only had taken one of my stones so far and as they were positioned now, he couldn't take another one during his next move. Clearly, he was losing at this point of the game.

With a confident smile on my face, I looked at him, knowing that he didn't stand a chance. Andrew, however, was already looking at me, amusement flickering in his eyes. I noticed how his eyes were focusing on my lips, his pupils followed my tongue's movements. Then he almost unnoticeable gulped before looking into my eyes. Quickly I shut my mouth and chewed the mint.

"What the hell do you think, you are doing, Josie?"

I laughed freely, a sentiment that still felt a bit weird after all these weeks I'd spent crying, my whole body tickling with the warm sensation of joy.

"I'm destroying you!"

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that!"

And with a smile, he moved one of his figures, kicking one of my own out of the field.

"Wait, how did you do that? That's not possible!"

I exclaimed in confusion. How did I miss this? He wasn't supposed to do that! There was no way when I'd checked before, no possible move that would cost me one of my figures.

"Skills, darling."

His face was plastered with the cheekiest grin I'd ever seen. There they were again, his dimples.

I wasn't ready to surrender but neither was Andrew. How could he be so competitive? What started as a fun game, had possessed me with ambition. This victory was mine and I wouldn't let some cheeky Englishman take it away from me. We continued playing for what felt like hours, only because each of us took his time before making the next move. To me it felt like most of the game took place in our heads, each of us trying to foresee the opponent's next move.

But none of us was supposed to win. It was Mim who interrupted us.

"Guys, the security's coming! Get the hell out of here!"

She hissed at us, her head pointing down the forum. Indeed, there were two men in uniforms walking towards us. They were still quite far away but it was obvious that they had their eyes set on us. My heart skipped a beat before furiously beating in my chest.

"Oh god, what are we doing? This is a sacred place."

I mumbled as I sat there, unable to move. My palms were sweating and a big lump was stuck in my throat.

"Oh god, oh god..."

All the joy I'd felt before had left my body within seconds and now I sat there, my stomach contracting in panic. I broke into cold sweat as I saw myself being put behind bars in a shabby Italian jail. What if I had to share my cell with some kind of mafioso?

Someone grabbed me by the hand and dragged me away from the stairs.

"Run, Josie!"

It was Sam, who forced me to run with him, as he was still holding my hand. My body obeyed his orders but my thoughts were still focusing on the cell, a stinky small room with no artificial light. The walls were built with dark stones, radiating the cold and dampness. Single drops of water were running down and the only light came from a tiny window above a pallet. On the pallet was a moth-eaten pillow with dark stains on it. I shuddered in disgust, tears of despair burning in my eyes. Why did I agree to do this? Why didn't I just stay away from Mim and her friends?

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