Chapter 19: Phone conversations

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How could you do this?

Well, how couldn't I?

Kissing another man after only six weeks. Dom would be so disappointed.

It was only a kiss! Not that it's any of his business anymore. 

Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?

Do I?

You don't even know him!

Does it matter? 

"Shut up!"

I had to suffocate a frustrated groan that escaped my lips by biting into a pillow. The exact same pillow was smashed against my head a few seconds later. Arms and legs spread wide like a starfish, I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling, the voices inside my head surely driving me insane. 

Ever since I woke up, they had been debating my precipitous kiss last night. One of them sounded like an old lady scolding a young teenage girl. The other behaving just like the mentioned teenage girl, sighing and giggling while my stomach was turning in excitement. 

This had to stop.

My hands let go of the pillow that was still placed on my head and I tried to grab my phone without looking. Reluctant to leave the coziness from the king size bed behind, I got up and slipped into my shabby flip-flops. I wouldn't have dared to wear them outside my four walls because they looked like a dog chewed on them but they were just too comfy. 

While I made myself a cup of coffee, I dialed Hannah's number. She picked up after the second ringing and when I saw her blue eyes, my heart skipped a beat. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until now. 


The moment she screamed my name, I was glad that I'd decided to facetime instead of calling her. I'd probably gone deaf, her exclamation was so shrill and distinct. 

"It's so good to see you! Did you get a tan? You look gorgeous!"

Her eyes were sparkling and I thought that every woman should have a friend like her. Only Hannah could compliment me right after I got out of bed. Her smile was as radiant as ever and she seemed so happy, I couldn't help but smile.

"It's good to see you too. I've missed you!"

It was the first time since I arrived that I felt a little homesick. I felt a nasty sting in my heart when I watched Hannah sitting on my terrace, dressed in her favourite pyjamas with a glass of orange juice in her hand. Talking over the phone just wasn't the same as sitting next to her and actually feel her presence.

"I miss you too, Jo. But enough of being sentimental, how are your holidays?"

Her curiosity was visible through the phone, her eyes widened a bit and she seemed to lean forward in her chair. I could see she was biting the inside of her right cheek, something she either did when she was upset or curious. I had to chuckle, there it was again. The eyes sparkling from excitement, just like a little child inside a candy shop. 

"Wonderful! I'm glad you forced me to go."

I started telling her about my flight, my first evening and the Colosseum. I had mentioned my new friends when I'd texted her after the Forum Romanum and how I'd almost ended up in jail because of Andrew. Now that we were talking, she wanted to know every detail and as I told her about my night at the club, I couldn't believe it had only been two days ago. 

Just when I was telling her about my breakfast with Andrew yesterday morning, we got interrupted by an incoming text message. I couldn't believe my eyes the moment I saw the name on the top left corner of my phone.

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