Another Way In

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     {}«Legolas' POV»{}

"How is your shoulder?" I ask Thaladir as we ride east. We knew we would have to leave that way initially before sneaking our way west to Imladris. Adar had seen us off as he had promised, though he was still not convinced that this was wise. Elhael agreed with him, and had tired her best to talk me out of it.

"Fine." Thaladir answers, before changing the subject. "We should camp here tonight."

I readily agree as we have been riding since the first sign of light this morning.

"How much further do you think we should go before turning west?" I ask my captain as we settled down for the night.

"We should ride for half the day tomorrow before rounding back west just to be safe."

I shake my head in agreement. "That's what I was thinking."

After getting something to eat, Thaladir and I settle in for the night while Dolenel volunteers to keep watch.

The night passes without incident and morning comes bright and cheerful. Birds flutter from one tree to another in the cool air.

We ride east until midday, before turning north for several miles. By late afternoon, we are heading west several miles outside the borders. Little conversation was passes between the three of us until we made camp that night.

"Do you think word has spread?" Thaladir asks, referring to our departure.

"I hope so." I answer. "If he really is after me, then hopefully these attacks will stop."

Thaladir nods. "Now, we need to worry about covering our own tracks."

Silence falls as we eat. An unnatural rustle of leaves causes me to freeze. "Did you hear that?" I ask no one in particular. Thaladir shakes his head.

"Probably nothing more than a deer." He says and I relax a little, assuring myself that he is probably right and I lean back against the tree again. Minutes pass and I hear it again. Something was moving around, rustling the leaves and I know it is no deer, deer aren't that clumsy. I reach for my bow, Thaladir and Dolenel stand up at the movement. Thaladir steps silently towards me.

"What is it?" He asks in a whisper, scanning the area.

I hold the silence for a moment before movement catches my eye. Thaladir and I both freeze in our positions, waiting for the adversary to make himself known. We don't have to wait long as a cry comes from behind us and turning, I see Orcs break through the trees into the light of the fire.

"I'd say word has spread." I hear Dolenel say as I send an arrow through an Orc's head and it falls dead.

I can make out ten or fifteen in the clearing. We are outnumbered, again. I continue to shoot, bringing down several. I don't see and Orc archer, unless they are hiding in the dark, which is possible. Thaladir stands behind me, both of us covering each other's back. Most of them have fallen by the time they are within arm's reach. I drop my bow and switch to my knife and I hear the medal of Thaladir's blade come from its sheath. Orc's advance, their own weapons drawn. It only takes a few minutes to finish most of them off. The rest turn and flee.

A little out of breath, I turn to Thaladir. "Are you alright?"

He nods, breathing heavily. "Yes," He looks around. "where is Dolenel?"

The two of us look around, then, through the trees came our companion.

"That was one of the strongest foe I have met in some time." He said before plopping himself down on the ground, seemingly weary, but not a spot of blood --his or otherwise-- or dirt could be found on him.

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