On the Side of a Mountain

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     {}«Legolas' POV»{}

Jagged rocks scrape across my hands as they slip on the slick, wet surface. I climb the steep incline east of the battlefield. Thaladir climbing up behind me.

Once we are level with the shelf, we will sneak behind it. From the ground, the shelf looks like it sticks out of the mountain with three high walls surrounding the back and part of the sides, as though it had been dug out.

Finally, after what seems like hours, we reach a level spot and I gently rub the dirt and blood from my hands as I stand at full height. Trees will keep us concealed for now.

Pulling my already stung bow from my back, I notch an arrow. Thaladir does the same and we start forward, silently creeping from the shadow of one tree, to another.

Sounds of battle can still be heard in the distance, but they are faint. The sound of commands being given come to my attention, but from the sound of it, the shelf is still aways away.

The rain continues to pour, making the footing underneath uncertain. I start to slip but catch my balance. Then the ground starts to move, slowly starting to slip underneath.


I turn to Thaladir who is several paces behind me. "Go back!" I yell over the increasing noise of water and ground moving.

The ground continues to shift and Thaladir has no choice but to step back to keep from being swept away. I turn away, stumbling towards my enemy as the ground gives way under me.

Every time I take a step, the ground slips. I stumble forward, eyes pinned on the steady earth ahead of me. But as I near it, the stone I am standing on slips and I lose my balance, falling into the moving earth, mud splashing into my eyes. I'm sliding with the ground, its speed becoming quicker by the second. My foot searches to find a foothold, and finding one, I leap forward, my hand grasping the grass of solid land and I pull myself up.

My heart is racing, I tremble slightly as I wipe the mud from my eyes. I continue forward, the enemy's voices becoming clearly audible as I near the edge. Not wanting to make my presence known, I keep out of their line of sight. If they spot me before I am in position, they will not hesitate to shoot me where I stand. I draw back my arrow, aiming it for Calithilon's head. But the anger and hatred towards the elf withing my arrow's sights is causing me to struggle in holding my hands steady.

I let the string go and time slows as the arrow travels through the air and buries itself in my brother's flesh. He gasps and falls to the ground, writhing in agony. But my own emotions betrayed me in the shot. I was not been able to hold my weapon steady and I hit him in the shoulder blade and I curse under my breath at my own foolishness.

Seeing their leader fall, crying out in pain, the Orcs now turn their attention towards me. Steadying myself, I let several arrows fly, they hit their target with a thunk. Two are left alive when I jump down and they are quickly eliminated. But at the sight in front of me, I freeze.

Dolenel, whom I thought dead, stands before me. "You- you- how-" My head spins, trying to grasp the sight before me. He must have fought them all off himself back in the mines! I smile and start towards him, not sure if the sight before me is real. 

"Legolas! No!" A frantic shout comes from behind as I reach to grasp the one I thought dead. But as I near him, a glint of metal shows from behind him. Time slows again as Dolenel brings the blade forward in hopes of driving it into my abdomen. But just as the tip grazes the fabrics of my clothing, he staggers back, an arrow in his shoulder.

I stare in shock at the sight as Dolenel arches his back were he lies on the ground, clutching the bleeding wound.

At a shout from Thaladir, I pull my gaze away from the bleeding ellon and force myself to focus on the task at hand. More Orcs are racing up the path, holding their swords above their head in a charge. I must finish the job before they reach me. I turn to where Calithilon lies with an arrow still lodged in his flesh, but he clutches his sword regardless.

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