Too Late

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     {}«Legolas' POV»{}

My entire body aches by the time we make camp on the first night of travel. But I don't dare utter a word about it. My mind is elsewhere anyway. What if we don't get there in time? What if we are already too late? No, we will get there and adar and I will then see to this threat together.

We crossed the Anduin River several hours ago. I learned from Haldir that the bridge had been built across it to ease traveling to and from the new addition of the realm.

After the War of The Ring, a road was made from my homeland to East Lorien, making it the most likely choice of path for my adar to take. If no one we come across has seen him then we would search the road. I hope we meet him before then though.

"I have seen your adar fight." Aragorn says sitting down and handing me a bowl of stew. I take it eagerly, allowing my hands to feel the warmth that seeps through the dish. "It would take an army to defeat him in a fair fight."

I smile knowing he is right, although a little exaggerated perhaps. But it comforts me some nonetheless. "You know, when I returned home after your coronation, I believed we would be able to live in peace. I suppose my thinking was somewhat naïve." I say with a sigh.

"You thinking wasn't naïve Legolas." He says, "I too hoped to live in peace till the end of my days."

Silence slowly falls around the camp as time passes. I gaze up at the stars that sparkle in the black veil of night. The same stars I have gazed upon since I was just a small elfling in my adar's arms. They are something I can count on to never change. They follow me wherever I go, watching over me. It brings me some small peace to know this, a strange contentment no evil can take from me.


The horses' hooves thunder under us as we gallop into the last settlement of East Lorien. No word of my adar passing through has come to any of the settlements thus far. Haldir motions for his ellyn to stop and he dismounts and ascends the steps that lead up to a wooden building. It is larger than the others in both height and length. Aragorn and I dismount as well and follow Haldir while Elrohir elects to stay outside.

Opening the heavy wooden doors, we step inside. We are greeted by an elleth who seems to know Haldir. Her hair is chestnut brown in color and her eyes are grey. Haldir greets her with a light kiss on the cheek.

Haldir turns to us, "This is Merileth and she is my betrothed and the daughter of the chief of this settlement."

Merileth smiles, turning to Aragorn, "You must be Lord Aragorn." And turning to me she says, "And you must be Legolas. It is a pleasure to meet you. Haldir has told me much of you both."

"The pleasure is ours my lady." I said with a slight bow.

"Is your adar here Merileth?" Haldir asks his love.

"Yes, I will fetch him for you. Is something wrong?"

"We believe there may be trouble, yes." Haldir says, and Merileth, sensing something must be very wrong, leaves to find her adar.

As soon as she disappears around the corner I turn to Haldir. "Why did you not tell me you were to be married?"

"We have not been betrothed long. I sent a letter to you a few weeks past but you must have already left by the time it arrived."

"And you did not care to mention it the past few days?"

"It was hardly the place or time." He answers coolly, pretending to take interest in his fingernails. He refuses to meet my gaze as I drill him with a hard stare.

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