Those In The Boughs Above

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{Third Person}

Having no other choice Arwen headed east, alone. She realized that Legolas was not physically capable of walking so far and though she didn't like it, she had to leave him. She laid him in a ditch, shadowed by a large bolder and covered him in whatever brush she could find. Now, she needed to find help, and fast.

She didn't stop until the golden wood finally came into view. Her energy renewed at the sight of the place she called home for so many years, and it wasn't long before she entered it. A sense of security filled her as the familiar scent of the woods filled her nose. All was quiet save for the birds that flew from tree to tree and the distant gurgle of water running across the ground. The signs of the war that had been evident in previous years had all but disappeared.

But the days spent under the earth had taken its toll on the elleth and her strength waned. I could stop and rest for a while. She thought but then quickly pushed the notion aside. She needed to get Legolas help before he was found by the enemy. So, she pushed on.

Late morning turned to afternoon. The energy from entering the wood was all but spent. She began to lose hope of reaching Caras Galadhon before night fall.

Just as she started to reason with herself once again to stop and rest for a while, someone dropped from the tree above her --their bow drawn, arrow pointed at her head. Arwen stopped, throwing her hand up in a sign of surrender. Several other elves appeared around her until she was surrounded.

"Who are you and what business do you have in the Lorien?" The elf in front of her demanded. His features were covered by a cloak but his voice sounded familiar to her.

"I am Arwen, Queen of the reunited kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor." Arwen answered. "Saes, I am in need of aid."

The elf lowered his bow and signaled the others to do the same. "My Lady," He said, bowing his head. "I apologize I didn't recognized you until you spoke." He then pulled back the hood of his cloak and Arwen recognized him. Haldir! Though she didn't know him well, Arwen knew he was close with Legolas and he would help.

"Haldir, I'm glad to see you!" She exclaimed and told him all that had happened. Though she didn't need to say how Legolas was injured. Haldir understood. Tears that she had been holding back, sprung up in her eyes. "Please, you have to get him and find Aragorn."

His expression became grave, but he quickly masked his emotions before Arwen could see. "We will find them both." He said with a hint of a smile, but Arwen could see the doubt in his eyes. But ignoring it, she continued to tell him all that Legolas had related regarding the location of the camp in hopes that Aragorn had been able to make his way back there.

Haldir and all his men left; save one, he stayed to escort Arwen to Caras Galadhon. Haldir led his ellon North-west. They knew the forest and it surrounding area like the back of their hand it wasn't long before they came to the place where Arwen said Legolas was.

"Spread out and look for him." Haldir said and his ellon did as commanded. Haldir surveyed the area looking for any sign of the injured elf.

"Haldir!" An ellon called and Haldir turned to him. "Over here!"

Haldir ran over to the ellon. There, buried under the brush, an elf lay on his side in the snow. Bloodied hair covered his face. His chest and back showed the treatment he had received in the Orc mine. Haldir quickly removed the brush from him. "Legolas? Oh Valar, what have they done to you?" He said as he rolled him over gently. Legolas stirred and opened his eyes slightly, groaning in pain as he did so.

"Shhh, mellon nin. We're going to get you out of here."

Legolas' eyes slid shut once more. Haldir called the rest of his ellyn over and they made a litter and transferred Legolas' limp form to it.

Haldir turned to the ellon that had found Legolas. "You and Othon take him back to Caras Galadhon." The ellon nodded and turned to find the ellon his captain spoke of.

Haldir waited until they left to continue on to find the camp.

A/N Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this update! Please comment what you think of the story so far. Good or bad, let me know! It would mean the world to me and would help me a lot. Have a great weekend! :D


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