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The thought of having to work made my stomach twist. Serving food to hangry, ungrateful college kids that smacked my ass and chuckled behind my turned back was possibly the worst job in the world. However, one thought made everything seem much more bearable: Carl during his 'ghetto drug dealer' stage. I cracked a small smile before adjusting my skimpy uniform and waiting for Elle to finish getting ready so we could leave. She worked with me at the diner but was a cashier, meaning she didn't get half as much hassle from the customers as I would.

Linking arms, we flounced into the dorm corridor, just in time to catch James turning a corner. He looked me up and down as we got closer before obstructing my path by trapping me between him and a wall. "Where do you think you're going in that outfit?" Lust was clear in his eyes and I sighed at his stupid question. "Oh come on James, you know I have work. We're going to be late if you don't let me go!" Instead of moving, he continued to tower over me, licking his lips. "Why can't you stay here with me? Besides, I have my own job for you.. if you know what I mean."

I could hear Elle giggling from behind James but I wasn't very amused. "I'm going to work. See you later." And with that, I managed to wriggle away from him so we could continue on our way. Thanks to that little delay in the hallway, we arrived 5 minutes late to our shifts, meaning money was deducted from our pay and a foul mood rained over me for the next few hours. It only got worse as one of the other waitresses asked "Can you take table two? I've got my hands full right now." which meant I had to face the frat boys.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite waitress!" One of them exclaimed as I arrived at their table, tapping my foot impatiently as they took their time deciding on food. Finally, a second guy spoke up and said "We'll have 2 grilled cheese sandwiches and 2 juicy burgers." with his eyes glued to my ass. Anger started brewing in the pit of my stomach as I replied "Wow, what a gentleman.. I'm afraid these burgers aren't for sale but I can get you 2 regular ones from the kitchen?" I shot him a fake smile before writing down their order. "Oh yeah, and we'll take a couple of milkshakes." The last lad chuckled and I followed his gaze towards my boobs, letting out a groan of disgust.

I managed to escape from the pack of thirsty frat boys and continued waiting tables until a bell rang softly, indicating somebody had just entered the diner. To my surprise, Carl was stood by the door with a few friends and a smile spread across his face as I appeared beside them. "Hey V! I didn't know you worked here. Just a table for three, if that's cool?" I nodded and led them to a booth by the window, handing out menus and cutlery. "This is Zach and Ryan. They're on the military programme with me." My eyes immediately landed on Ryan, his dark locks and green eyes drawing me in. To cover up my stares, I gave them both a quick wave before fumbling with my notepad, which ended up on the floor.

I took their orders and dashed into the kitchen where Elle was flirting with the dish-washer, her feet dangling over the edge of the counter top. She noticed how I flustered I was and looked over at Carl's table, scanning the boys and smirking. "Oh Nessa, who have you got the hots for now?" I pushed her arm playfully before checking the clock and noticing my shift was practically over. I grabbed the last of the plates which had been piled up with food and ventured back out into the diner, laying them out in front of Carl and his friends. "Can I sit?" I asked, untying my apron and squeezing into the booth.

After getting to know Zach and Ryan a bit more, an idea started developing in the back of my mind. "Hey.." I said, slowly. "There's a party at one of the frat houses tonight. I know you guys haven't really met many people on campus but it'll be-"

"We'd love to come." I was interrupted by Carl who put his arm around me and grinned at the others. "We haven't seen a party in months so it'll be good." piped up Zach and Ryan nodded with him, relief releasing the tension in my chest. "Great! Let's meet at the fountain around 8 so we can go together. It's only a short walk across campus." I suggested and everyone agreed. After seeing them off and clearing their plates, I clocked out and headed back to my dorm with Elle, excitement for the night ahead filling me.

[end of chapter]

ugh I just had the worst day and I'm ready to sleep,, how are y'all?

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