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party pooper
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(disclaimer - this chapter may contain a bit of sexual assault so if ur uncomfortable with that topic then feel free to skip ahead, i won't be going into any immense detail but you have been warned)

"You ready?" Carl towered over me and I looked up from my phone, smiling at the sight of my old friend. "Yeah, any of you want a drink?" My hand fumbled for the half-empty bottle which was situated at my feet before handing it over to the boys, who took generous sips to loosen themselves up. We staggered 20 minutes across campus, finally arriving outside the Kappa Sigma frat house, with the sound of heavy bass filling our heads. Adrenaline suddenly coursed through my veins and I rushed into the building, the boys trailing behind me, being engulfed into a large crowd as soon as we got through the door.

Ryan and Zach went to get more drinks whilst Carl and I scoped out the lounge, passing people on couches smoking joints and a group on the floor playing spin the bottle. I filled an empty space in the circle and patted the carpet next to me so he could sit down before some random guy turned to me. "Black dress girl, spin the bottle!" A beer bottle rolled to my feet and I shrugged, picking it up and sending it spinning around the centre of the circle. It eventually slowed onto a girl who was sat across from me and, with a drunken smirk, we both crawled towards each other so we could make out. Boys whistled and somebody counted down 5 seconds so we knew when to stop, indicating it was time for us to go back to our positions in the circle.

I peered over at Carl before it was his turn to spin the bottle and giggled at his awestruck expression. "Stop drooling and play the game!" Another stranger moaned, which caused him to shake off his thoughts and 'come back to life'. Our eyes were glued to the neck of the bottle and, as it came to a stop in front of me, my breath hitched. It had been so long since I'd had any contact with him...

My teeth pulled on my lip anxiously before I turned towards Carl, a hand guiding his face closer to mine. Just as I could feel his breath against my skin, a familiar yell silenced the room and I jumped back to see a tall figure storming towards us. "Vanessa! What the fuck are you doing?" James' face was bright red and I felt a force lifting me from my seat on the floor, sending sharp pains up my arm.

"See, the slut is really coming out tonight, isn't it? Have you already forgotten the conversation we had earlier?" He threatened, pulling out his phone. My eyes widened and I tried to stop him. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for playing a game!" My hand covered his phone and it started to gravitate towards his pocket.
I sighed in relief just as Carl came up behind us. "James." He nodded whilst passing me the drink I'd left but, before the cup could be clenched in my hand, it was snatched away and chugged down. "Vanessa isn't drinking." James snapped, pulling me away from the living room. I struggled in his grip and tried to get back to Carl but it was no use.

He led me upstairs and into an empty bedroom, locking me inside. I shook my head and backed away from the door. "No, not tonight James." He staggered towards me until my back was pressed against a wall, meaning I was trapped. I felt his lips attaching to my neck and I groaned a little bit. "James, please." He didn't listen and his hand moved under my dress. Rage filled my body and I plucked up the courage to push him off. "I'm not doing this right now." James clenched his jaw and tightened his fists into a ball before walking towards me.

One of his hands raised, slapping me in the face. It was one thing for him to shout insults at me but physical fights never happened. A sharp pain swelled in my cheek and I clutched it as tears fell from my eyes. My back started sliding down the wall until I was sat with my knees tucked into my chest in attempts to shelter me from anymore harm. "You do whatever I say, okay?" James' voice was loud above the faint music as he stood over me. My body trembled with fear as he continued to try and force my limbs away from each other, which would've given him a better chance of getting what he really wanted. However, despite the stinging in my cheek being unbearable, I was able to cling on until he got bored.

"So you want to play 'Miss Virgin' now?" I felt a wad of spit collide with my scalp. "You're fucking pathetic!" The boy screamed at me before storming out, not forgetting to slam the door behind him. I sat there for what seemed like hours, crying into the skirt of my silk dress and wishing for nothing but to be dead. How was it possible for somebody to make a person feel so shitty and down with themselves? At first, James seemed like every other guy on campus but now his monster had come out, ready to break everything in its path.

After my little pity party had come to a close, all I wanted to do was go home and snuggle up in my warm, dormitory bed. My hands fumbled for my cell phone and I unlocked it, trying to book an Uber. This was so much easier than asking Carl or one of  his friends to walk me home so I swiftly made my way back downstairs and into a crowd where I could be hidden. The cold air of the night hit my tear-stained face, instantly making me regret my decision of not wearing a jacket but luckily, my ride was just around the corner.

The slick black car pulled up in front of me and just as I was about to pull open the door, the last voice I wanted to hear called my name from the other end of the front lawn. "Nessa, where are you going?" I turned around to see Carl cautiously tip-toeing across the grass towards me but I wasn't in the mood to interact  with him. "I'm sorry.." I whispered before slumping into the car and closing the door. Through the tinted windows, I could just about make out his confused yet shocked expression which made my stomach pang with anxiety and guilt but as I said, I needed my fucking bed and nothing more. The car sped off and I turned my head forward, trying to clear my mind and block out tonight's events.

[end of chapter]

hola, i had my college induction today which was interesting.. i'm usually okay in social situations but i was kinda awkward today which was fucking great oOf

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