nineteen; hospital visits

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-Carl's POV;
I jolted upright, breathing heavily. My head immediately started throbbing and paramedics tried to push me down. Hands snatched at my exposed chest as they strapped me into the stretcher.

Suddenly, the room shook violently and sirens blared, making me groan. From the noises, I could tell we were in an ambulance but my brain couldn't register the reason. "Why am I here? What have you done to me? Am I going to die?" My voice droned on but there wasn't a reply.

A light was shone in my eyes and black dots appeared, making me feel slightly dizzy.

"Signs of a concussion!" was shouted and I blinked in confusion. They continued to poke at my arms and chest, checking my blood pressure and saying more things that didn't make sense.

The vehicle came to an abrupt stop and my stretcher inched forward. The doors at my feet swung open to reveal a familiar red head. "Carl?!" Ian clutched onto the sides and pulled my out of the ambulance. "What the fuck did you do now?"

I shrugged and stared at him. "When did you start working here?" Ian looked down at me with a confused look on his face before turning to one of his colleagues.

"Concussion? Yeah, I thought so." His head moved back to face me. "Come on then, lets get you inside." He wheeled me through multiple hallways whilst passing doctors quickly examined my condition. We stopped outside a doorway and Ian loosened the restraints.

"This is Doctor Wilson. She'll take care of you from here." He handed me over to the tall blonde  before exiting the room. "Oh, and keep out of trouble next time Carl." Ian's head popped back round the door frame.

I nodded but quickly stopped as a large headache began. The woman saw me wincing and immediately laid me down. "Carl, I want you to close your eyes. I'm going to inject something into your arm that makes your body relax. Once you've woken up, we'll start treatment, okay?"

Obediently, I shut my eyelids and exhaled my breath. A sharp pinch could be felt in my upper arm and I winced again,  gritting my teeth. "Keep calm, keep calm Carl." The doctor softly repeated until I felt my body falling asleep.

-Vanessa's POV;
"Get the fuck out of the way!" I yelled at an old woman, in her vintage Roll Royce, as my car sped past. I'd tried calling Carl hundreds of times but they went to voicemail, which made me panic. The image of two bodies on the campus sidewalk was stuck in my head and the fact they looked like Carl and Bonnie made my skin crawl.

What if he was dead in a hospital bed? What if he had been paralysed from the hit? So many questions rushed through my head and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't push them back. My foot stamped on the accelerator and I weaved down the main high street towards the hospital.

Horns beeped as I cut cars off whilst switching between lanes. Finally, I pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car. Paramedics were packing up an ambulance and I recognised one of them. "Ian? I completely forgot you worked here." I said, quickly.

He spun around, surprised to see me. "Oh hey, you lookin for Carl?" I nodded and his arm wrapped around my shoulders. "Lemme take you too him. It could be ages before they allow visitors."

I smiled at him gratefully and we walked into the building. Ian led me past the main reception, without anyone asking questions, and down a long hallway. People shouted from behind us and he placed his arm across my chest, pulling me back against the wall. A stretcher wheeled past us and my jaw dropped.

Bonnie laid on the sheets, crying hysterically and clutching her side. Her once-white shirt was stained red and I turned away. Even though I wasn't close to her, I still cried into Ian's shoulder. 'That could be Carl!' I thought, racing after the stretcher.

We arrived at a small room and I peered through the glass at the patient inside. A brown, messy mop of hair was spread across the pillow, indicating the familiar boy I'd come for. "Go on, I'll keep lookout." Ian ushered me into the room, closing the door after me.

"Carl?" I whispered, but there was no answer...

-end of chapter;
Look who wrote a chapter in less than a week. So, I won't be able to update until next Wednesday because I have several performances and long rehearsals. Sorry about that but I hope this chapter keeps you going for the time being. Love ya'll and thanks for 30k on my first book xxxxx

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