twenty one; lists

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I had stayed with Bonnie for a while longer, talking about the surgery. She'd had the bullet removed and the wound stitched up. Now it was the healing process, which could take several weeks, even months if it got infected.

However, the whole time we talked, I couldn't get the description of the shooter out of my mind. In a way, they didn't surprise me but it was just so random.

They must've known that Carl was coming over, but how? On my way home, I started to become frustrated because the pieces didn't seem to fit together.

The description fitted James perfectly, especially since I bought him that exact flannel. Also, he did say that he was coming for me, and that could be through Carl.

My fists clenched onto the steering wheel as I drove back to campus. If James really did it, he'd be at his dorm and that was exactly where I was heading to get an answer.

His building seemed quiet and there weren't many lights on. I pushed through the doors and stormed upstairs until his door came into view. My fists rapped on the wood, not stopping until someone opened up.

"I know you're fucking in there, James!" My voice couldn't have been louder and people popped their heads out to see what was going on. "I'll give you 5 seconds to open up, you little shit!"

I counted down but before I could reach one, the door opened. James stood there, leaning against the door frame and his eyes rolled as soon as he saw me.

"I don't want any of your girl scout cookies." He said, starting to shut me out. My hand pushed the door back open, leaving him startled.

"James, why are you here? You're meant to be in jail." I growled, standing in the middle of his room. A smirk played on his face as he stepped towards me.

"I was let out early on good behaviour. Did you miss me?" His cockiness made my blood boil, steam practically coming out of my ears.

He laughed, knowing the way he effected me. "Did you happen to be on campus yesturday? Perhaps with a gun?"

James thought for a second. "Ah, yes. I may have taught your 'friend', Carl, a lesson or two."

"Well, you need to work on your aim because you actually shot Bonnie, not Carl. You could've killed someone innocent!" I yelled again, walking up to him and pushing his shoulder as hard as I could.

His body barely moved and I tried again but it was no use. He clutched my shoulders and gripped them firmly. "I saved you from embarrassment. You may of thought that Carl was on his way to see you but no, he had better ideas."

My face dropped. "What do you mean? How do you know that?" I asked. His arms moved towards my hands, taking them in his.

"Awh, sweet Vanessa! He was on his way to see Bonnie, to replace you like an out-dated car model. Next time, he should lock his windows and not leave lists lying around."

An evil smirk played on his face and I looked up in confusion. "List? What list? Show me!" I demanded, snatching at the paper in his hand. There was a pro's and con's list with mine and Bonnie's names scribbled in biro. "How can I trust you after everything you've done? This could've been you!"

My eyes studied James like a lie detector. He shrugged, "Why don't you just ask Carl yourself? Unless you're too scared of the truth.."

I glared at James before folding up the paper and stuffing it in my pocket. "Fine, and if I find out your playing with me, I'll kill you. I swear to God, I'll fucking kill you!" My voice was deep and angry but that didn't intimidate him.

"Ooooh, I'm scared." He mocked as I stormed out and made my way back towards the hospital.

-end of chapter;
yo my dudes, i'm currently in greece which means i'm relaxed and have plenty of time to write. so, hopefully you can expect more regular updates instead of one a week.

QOTD - Favourite Song?
Mine is probably For You (Bearcubs remix) by Gavin James, or Sesame Street by Comethazine X Joey Trap

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