twelve; USB

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The memory stick had been loaded onto my laptop and I took several deep breathes. "Whatever is on here will not leave this room, okay?"

Carl nodded and I selected the file. Several photos and videos were saved and we began to look at the first one. There was a picture of me sleeping, without a shirt, and everything was on display (Think of the leaked picture that Lip took of Helene).

I frowned whilst Carl had his jaw open. My arm nudged his and he immediately closed it. "What the fuck? I never knew he took this!" My body began to shake rapidly as we continued to scroll through pictures.

They were all ones I'd never seen before or even knew they were being taken. I covered Carl's eyes most of the time so he couldn't see anything. I didn't want to delete the photos because they could be used against James. My hand moved away from Carl's eyes and it landed on something hard.

I immediately whipped it away and pushed him. "Ew! What is wrong with you?" My voice was full of disgust.

"Oh, I'm sorry for being a guy.. It happens!" He replied and I moved away. Anger bubbled up inside of me and I pulled the USB out of the laptop. Carl looked at me, anxiously as I stormed out of the room. "Hey, where are you going?"

I popped my head back around the door. "To do something I should've done ages ago." He ran to catch up with me but kept wincing every-so-often. We caught a taxi and headed into town.

It took us 10 minutes to get there and I lazily handed the driver a 20 dollar bill. The police station stood in front of us and before I could walk inside, Carl stopped me. "Look, are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked, biting his lip nervously.

I breathed in deeply and nodded. "Yeah, I need to get it out there. At least I have photographic evidence now, since that disc was destroyed." Carl took my hand and we entered the building, walking up to the front desk.

"Hello, can I help you?" The officer asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Yes, I have some things to show you." I said, holding up the USB. The man frowned before gesturing us over to his office.

The sirens blared, shining red and blue in the early evening sky. Two officers were sat in the front whilst me and Carl were stationed in the back. We were on our way to find James so he could finally get what he deserved.

"Is it this block?" The driver asked, pointing to his dormitory building.

"Yeah, I'll show you." I replied, hopping out once he'd parked. We took the lift to the 4th floor and I stopped outside of dorm 38. One of the officers knocked whilst Carl put his arm around me.

The door opened and the cops moved forward, showing their IDs. "Are you James?" He slowly nodded and they turned him around, pushing him against a wall. "James Hall, you're under arrest with charges of revenge pornography, physical and psychological abuse. If you say anything, it will be used against you in a court of law."

As soon as James saw me, he flipped his shit. "You told them? I will come for you Vanessa! You better watch your fucking back!" He screamed, struggling to escape from the officers.

I followed them outside and before he could be pushed in the car, I whispered, "Karma's a bitch little J." A smirk covered my face as they drove off and I hugged Carl.

"Finally, its all over." He sighed, kissing my forehead. His arm slithered around my waist and we began to walk home, celebrating over the days events.

-end of chapter;
Little J reminds me of Gossip Girl lol, and finally some new action! I've also got a new idea thanks to one of my favourite people kerileestringer . Ly guys sm xxxx

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