eleven; mission

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I dropped the phone onto a table and paced around the room. "Okay, I'll go over it one more time." Carl groaned and fell back onto the bed. "You text Dom from James' phone, saying you want to meet. Whilst you distract her, I'll get the motel keys and try to find that USB in her stuff. Once I've found it, I'll text you. Got it?"

He sat up and nodded. "You've said it 20 times, its not rocket science." I picked up the phone and chucked it to him, waiting impatiently for the response.

After about five minutes, a vibration moved the bed and we got up to leave. Carl walked out first and I waited until Dominique had left her room.

A cleaners trolley was alone outside a door and I snuck over to it. The lady was busy hoovering so I unhooked the large keychain from the carts frame, slowly backing away.

I'd seen Dom come out from room 16 so I made my way over there. After locating the right key and unlocking the door, I started my search for the USB.

Boots and underwear were sprawled across the floor, which made it harder to walk around without tripping over something. The closet, vanity and bathroom were clear so all I had left to check were the several drawers dotted around the motel room.

Either bedside tables held bibles and a telephone, the chest of drawers were full of clothes and even after rummaging through them, nothing could be found.

Finally, I opened a small, two-drawer cabinet in the corner and bingo, I found her laptop. On top of the lid was the USB and a charger.

My hands snatched at the memory stick before someone started struggling with the door. "Fuck!" I whisper-shouted, crawling under the bed.

Dom stormed in and I could tell she was pissed. My eyebrows knitted into a frown shape and I slowly pulled out my phone. No texts from Carl..

He should've been distracting Dominique, not letting her run back here. I rolled my eyes and laid as still as possible, trying to take short quiet breathes.

-Carl's POV;
Another pain smashed into the head, making me groan under his arm. James had me in a headlock and was repeatedly punching me.

I never had the chance to meet Dominique and she'd probably be back in the room now. I could only hope V had gotten out of there in time.

"Next time, walk on instead of interfering. I'll make you wish you'd stayed in Chicago." He growled at me, letting my head go.

I gasped for air and struggled towards the fountain, pushing my head under so I could wash away the blood. The cold water soothed my skin and I sighed in relief.

No text had been sent from V so I decided to call her. It stopped after the second ring but she hadn't picked up, there was just the sound of the voicemail service.

I frowned at the screen and shoved my phone back into my pocket. After finally making it to my feet, I limped back to the motel.

-Vanessa's POV;
"Vanessa? What the fuck are you doing in here?" Dominique screeched. I stuffed the phone in my pocket after cancelling the call.

"I..I..Fuck!" I stuttered, pulling myself out from under the bed. "I'm gonna go.."

Dominique grabbed my shoulder and turned me back around. "Not so fast, why are you really here?" She asked, crossing her arms.

My head ran through several excuses. "I work here, cleaning rooms." She raised an eyebrow to show she wasn't buying it and I shrugged.

"How'd you get in?" She questioned. My finger pointed in the direction of the big set of keys. "Did you take anything?" I shook my head, turning my pockets inside out.

The USB was stored in my bra so no one could find it. Dom rolled her eyes and gestured to the door. "If you come in here again, I'll call the cops. Now scram!"

I rushed to the door and left, just in time to see Carl limping up the stairs. "What the fuck happened to you?" I gasped, helping him to the room.

-end of chapter;
I feel like I'm repeating the plot and I'm so so so sorry if that's the case. This book isn't very planned out and I'm kinda writing as I go along so it's gonna be very unorganised xx

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