twenty four; a little something special

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It was all set. The restaurant was booked, I had a nights clearence from the doctor and the dress was zipped away in a clothes bag.

The driver dropped me off outside the hospital and I made my way inside. Nurses smiled at me, probably hearing about my plans from gossipy co-workers.

Bonnie looked surprised when she saw me, all suited up in one of Ian's old button-ups and some trousers that weren't denim. "What's all this?" She asked, gesturing to the flowers and clothes bag.

"Remember when I said that I'd do something special for you?" She nodded. "Well, I booked us into a restaurant downtown. It's all been cleared by your doctor and we can just chill with some food."

Her face lit up and she tried to get out of bed but stopped once a sharp pain spread around her body. "Hey, take it easy. We've got a wheelchair in the trunk, just in case." I reassured her and she settled.

"Can you at least tell me what's in the bag?" I pulled on the zip, unleashing a ray of sparkly jewels. "Oh. My. God." Bonnie whispered.

I took it out from the bag and held it by the hanger. "Do you like it? Debbie helped me pick it out." Bonnie didn't respond and I frowned. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to."

Her eyes moved from the mesmerizing dress to meet mine. "Of course I'm going to wear it! It's's too beautiful. What if I spill something down it?" She worried and I patted her shoulder.

"You'd be surprised at the amount of stains that can be removed with laundry detergent." I smiled, laying the dress on her bed. "I'll be in the hall if you need me."

It took Bonnie a while to put on the dress, even with a nurse to assist. Finally, I heard someone creep up behind me. "Boo!" She shouted and I span around, my skin turning pale.

She laughed and I shook my head. "I wasn't scared. Nothing scares a Gallagher." Bonnie raised an eyebrow at me and I rubbed the back of my neck.

Then I took in her outfit. "Holy shit, you look.." I was at a loss for words.

"Do I look terrible? Oh no, I knew the jewels would make me look fat!" She panicked.

I put a finger to her lips, shushing her. "No, you look incredible. I know it's cliche but you really do, just like how I pictured." Bonnie sighed in relief. "Anyway, let's get you to the car."

One arm supported her legs whilst the other, her back. I lifted her up, bridal style, walking her outside. A car was parked by the pavement and the driver opened one of the doors.

"After you, miss Tyler." I said in my best British accent, although it sounded kinda fucked up. We laughed it off in the backseat however, with a bottle of bubbly.

"We're here Mr Gallagher." The driver said blankly from the front seat. "Call me when you're ready to leave." I nodded and exited the car.

He helped me with the wheelchair in the trunk and soon enough, me and Bonnie were facing the restaurant. "Vertigo? You booked us a table here?" She exclaimed, staring at the sign.

I nodded and smiled to myself. Memories of my date with Vanessa flooded my mind until Bonnie spoke up. "Earth to Carl!" She snapped her fingers and I looked down.

"Oh, sorry." I gripped onto the wheelchair handles and rolled her inside. We were led straight to our table in the garden, as I'd asked. There were only two other couples so, luckily it was quiet.

After scanning through the menus, a waiter came to serve us. He looked quite familiar, tall and muscular, most likely a basketball player. I stared at him, trying to figure out who he was.

"What can I get you guys?" He asked, full of enthusiasm. Even his voice sounded familiar.. And that's when I fell into an avalanche of thoughts again.

It took a bit more for Bonnie to get me out of this daze. She even splashed a bit of water on my face. "Carl? Why are you acting so weird? Tell the guy your order."

I blinked for a second before ordering a beer and a.. medium rare steak. That's it, he was the waiter from my date with Vanessa, all those years ago. This time, he wasn't trying to flirt with my date or start a fight with me.

The guy gave me a confused look and I suddenly realised that I had been staring at him. My cheeks grew red with embarrassment and I sat back in my seat, focusing on Bonnie.

"A soda please." She said before looking back at me. "What's gotten into you, Carl? Everything was fine in the car." Her voice sounded slightly worried.

"It''s nothing. Just family memories." I lied, looking at all the lemons hanging from the tree branches.

Bon followed my gaze. "Isn't it beautiful here? I used to always dream about this place when we'd drive past it in the van." I smiled and smoothly manoovered our hands so they were together in the middle of the table.

The rest of the night went smoothly. We talked about love, long-distance relationships and what we were. The food was devine, as usual and I didn't have to punch that waiter. We made it back to the hospital, intoxicated.

A nurse greeted us at the doors and she led us inside. "You've been drinking, haven't you?" She said, raising an eyebrow. "The doctor will not be happy."

I rolled my eyes. "Screw him, this is the last time I'll get to spend time with my girl!" My words were slurred but I really meant every word.

I could finally call Bonnie mine.

-end of chapter;
This chapter probably sucks ass but Vanessa is coming back in the next chapter, don't worry. But, there will either be one or two more chapters left of this book. I probably won't make another because I haven't any clue how the plot would go so, i'm very sorry about that. But, I'll definitely keep on writing. Maybe even branch out into some new fandoms, so suggest some in the comments or message them.

QOTD - Do you miss anyone rn?
AOTD - I will always miss Corey Haim, for as long as I live 🙏🏻

Love you guys and thank you for supporting me with your reads and votes over the last few months xxx

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