fifteen; test

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-Carl's POV;
I woke up, wedged between a person and the back cushion of the sofa. Blonde hair dangled in my face and I frowned, V had brown hair..

Then it hit me, she was back at campus and this was Bonnie. Her red lipstick from last night had smudged around her mouth and her blue eyes were closed as she slept.

I smiled at the thought of when we were 12 and cuddling in the top bunk. Life was so fun back then.. Bonnie wriggled in her sleep so I moved back against the cushion.

A mild headache formed and I tried to think back to last night. After V left, we played football with the kids and talked for ages. I was the happiest that I'd been in a while.

My hand reached out, fumbling for my cell phone so I could check the time. 9:14 am. Without waking up Bonnie, I jumped off the couch and pulled on my coat.

Before I could leave, a small voice spoke from the living room. "Where are you going?" Bonnies hair poked up from the sofa cushion and I laughed.

"Back to campus. You wanna come?" I offered. A grin spread across her face and she ran across the room towards me. "Let's go." I whispered. We walked down the sidewalk, my arm around her shoulder.

-Vanessa's POV;
I met with Elle at around 10 am. We got some Starbucks and did last minute revision before the exam. It was a cool morning and so I pulled the sleeves of my sweater over my cold hands. Leaves detached from their trees and scattered across the ground, rolling independently.

My mind flickered between subjects and Carl. I was still annoyed after last night but I also couldn't stop worrying about him. Did he get home safely? Did him and Bonnie do anything once I'd left? Could we be over, again?

"Earth to Nessa! You okay?" Elle snapped, clicking her fingers in my face. I focused on her and sighed. "Boyfriend troubles?" Our eyes met and I nodded my head slightly. "You guys were all over each other yesturday. What happened?"

I thought about the fun we were had in my dorm and the way he made me feel. Then, the barbecue invaded my head and I slumbed in my chair. "Bonnie happened." Elle raised an eyebrow so I explained. "Basically, someone Carl knew ages ago was at this Gallagher barbeque yesturday and ever since, they've been all over each other."

"An ex?" She questioned and I shrugged. "Damn, that's rough.."

My eyes scanned over to the clock and I started to gather my things. "Look, I'll talk to him later. In the mean time, we have an exam to get to." We descended into the large hall which was filled with rows of tables and chairs.

Several students were already signed in and seated, so we quickly did the same before sitting down. Our test was on some Shakespeare bullshit that I didn't care about but I had to try because the score would make up a percentage of my final grade.

Half-way through, I looked out one of the long windows on the side of the hall to see two familiar figures. One of them had long blonde hair and the other, short brown locks. I squinted to get a better focus on them and soon discovered it was none other than Carl and Bonnie.

'What the fuck is she doing here?' I thought, rolling my eyes. My pen dropped out of my hand as I continued to stare at them, pushing each other into the grass. Soon, I'd given up all my motivation to do the test and I just watched.

My blood began to boil and I clenched my fists until they started to hurt. "Vanessa Wilkes, what are you doing?" One of the teachers hissed at me. My thoughts were broken and I looked straight ahead, picking my pencil up again.

I just wanted everything to be over..

-end of chapter;
sorry, another short shitty chapter. I actually feel so bad for people who are excited for new parts because I don't want them to be disappointed when I post something shitty :( xx

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