part one

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Ashton's pov

"I'm glad we decided to go out camping,I need to go out the house more" I heard Michael say from beside me as we were walking through the never ending forest "you think? You are addicted to that Xbox way too much" I replied with a giggle, "I know..But I like.. really need a normal life. Killing zombies on games is cool as fuck but we're young and we need to do stuff more" "you can say that again, I just can't see how you would like it. It's scary as fuck and if it would ever come to life I would shit balls" "it can be scary sometimes I guess" Michael said with a laugh that sends shivers down my spine "we just have different interests I guess, like you love reading but I just can't get into it." He continued "sometimes aka all the time, it's rotting your brains I swear. Unlike books so ha!" "Well here I am..With you..In the fresh aired countryside! And plus, what if a zombie apocalypse happens? I'd know the skills and would have to protect you!"  all this talking of zombies made me give out a whine "noooo don't say thatttt" "don't worry you pussy! It will never happen..This country is way too guarded" "I'm not a pussy! I just don't want to die at a young age by getting my arms ripped off..But eh I guess your right"
"I don't blame you. But even if it did happen, you'd be cool because you have me, I'm very well trained!" "Video games doesn't mean you are trained Gordon" "I am trained!" He said in protest "I just..I haven't told you how yet"  "uh huh, sureeeee" I teased which resulted in him giving a ashamed sigh and changing the topic.

"Do you have a watch? What's the time?"  I rolled up my sleeve and checked the time on my left wrist and checked the time, indicating that it was getting late "almost 11pm" I replied and rolled my sleeve back down. I glanced at Michael who was gazing at the dark sky "shit..Well be better find somewhere to camp" I nodded and walked a little further along the path we were following "will this do?" Hoping he would approve because honestly I'm tired of all this walking "yeah this will be cool. Looks like no werewolves will get us here" I let out a groan "Michael I swear to god" "I'm kidding! I'm sorry, I won't tell anymore scary stories" I gave him an unamused look "that's a lie, I swear to god one day you will give me a panic attack that will kill me" even just thinking about that made me anxious "I'm sorry..I forgot you get severe panic attacks. I need to think more" he said while looking disappointed with himself and starting building a fire, I didn't want him to feel bad. That's the last thing I wanted. After a few seconds of awkward silence I decided to speak up "I was kidding, don't worry about it" and went off to set the tent up, yet I couldn't help but notice him smile, which may or may not have gave me butterflies.

After we set up our little camp for the night Michael and I gathered around the fire we had made, with blankets and just the perfect atmosphere. The soft light that reflected on Michaels face made him even more beautiful than I thought he could ever be, another thing to add to why I am deeply in love with my best friend.

The sound of a beer can being cracked open had distracted me from my thoughts and back into reality "want one?" "Nah I'm alright" I said, me not being a big drinker " "I kinda need to tell you something.." he said and took a sip from his can "mhm?" I said and looked over to him "you know how earlier I said I'm trained and you said I wasn't because I only play video games?" "Yeah?" I asked curiously, wondering where this was going "Well...this is so embarrassing but I've done research. I have notes in my bedroom. Drawings, documentaries on dvd. I'm such a nerd when it comes to this stuff. I was just to ashamed to admit it." After hearing this it left me quite shocked, I had no idea he was this serious about zombies.

"Are..Are you serious?" Was all I was able to say "yes. It's embarrassing I know...I just wanna be honest with you. It's my guilty pleasure" "No no it's not embarrassing at all! I'm just surprised" I said and smiled "even though that's not my thing that's pretty damn cool" "I'm glad you don't think I'm a loser like everyone else" he said and giggled but made my heart sink hearing those words leave his mouth "okay now it's your turn" he continued, " my turn?" "To tell me your secret, I told you mine." I started to try and think, the only secret I had really was being in love with Michael and that secret is never going to come out so as much as I hate to, I guess I'll just have to lie "I don't think I have any secrets" I said through the painful lie "oH come on,everyone does. I promise I won't tell anyone, I'm your best friend"
Best friend.
Best friend and nothing more.
Never will be anything more.
"I know I know..But I just can't think of anything right now." I said and hoping this would be the last of this conversation, I picked up a stick and started drawing in the dirt, anything to distract on how awkward I feel right now "not even a guilty pleasure?" He said with a smirk 'you' was all I could think but I just shook my head. "That's cool I guess" he said but not really sounding impressed at all.

I had been wanting to ask him something for a while, I mean I'm pretty sure I already know the answer and it's probably going to seem random but fuck it "Michael..Have you ever..Had sex?"  "Me? Of course. Remember that girl I dated? We did it." It hurt to hear but reality needs to be said I suppose "oH yeah I forgot about her.." "although she's the only girl I've been with and it took a while to get her in bed. I didn't rush her or anything but she was a Christian" Michael said, giving me a few too many details than I needed "oH I see" I said with a half hearted giggle. Michael later down on the blanket we were on and rested his head on his arms behind his neck "have you ever had sex?" "Me? Nawh." "Really? I thought you did it with that guy you met earlier this month? I didn't ask but yeah" "no. He turns out to be an asshole hung up over his ex" I said bluntly, not wanting to relive the memories "Damn...sounds shitty. Well you're gonna meet the right guy one day to do it with. I'm glad I did it with Mariah, we were in love at the time." "It was..So um why did you guys break up?" "Well...she realised she didn't love me anymore and loved someone else. It hurt like a bitch but I'm over her now" "are you sure?" "Very sure. I don't even think about her anymore" oH that's good I guess.. Well um. I'm pretty tired so I'm probably going to sleep now" I said, I wasn't really but I just wanted to find a way out of this conversation, "Me too. Come on" Michael said am entered the tent with me following close behind. I had zipped the tent up and gotten into my sleeping back and Michael took his shirt off and did the same.

I watched as he turned to his side to face me "goodnight buddy" "goodnight Michael" I said and snuggled into my sleeping bag. Michael had fallen sleep faster than me since I was still up with my thoughts as always. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Hello! So as most of you guys may have noticed. My other fanfics are gone. I need a fresh start. You can read them on my other account Em_Ships_Mashton_AF

So this was just an introduction really and it is based off a roleplay I am doing with my best fren

Stay tuned.💖

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