part two

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Michael's pov

I immediately woke up and sat up straight to the sound of screaming, I looked over to Ashton who was still sleeping. I nudged his arm a few times until he woke up "Ashton! Ashton I can hear screaming." he gave not much of a reaction but mumble "no shush I'm sleeping" and snuggled deeper into his sleeping bag, "well..I'm gonna take a peak" I said and peaked out of the tent to see nothing "get your ass out of my face" I heard Ashton say from behind me "wait" I said and grabbed the  binoculars and looked ahead of the river near by to see the city full of bombs and people running "Michael." "Shut up a minute! This is serious." "I don't care, your going to end up farting." I ignored his comments yet continued to keep looking "holy shit...there's something going on...a terrorist attack or something..." I glanced around more of the city to see a zombie, a fucking zombie "HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT" I couldn't believe what I was seeing! "Michael! Jesus Christ Tell me!" "Ashton seriously wake up! There's a zombie apocalypse happening. I'm not even joking!!" I said and frantically got up "rule one. Stay away from public places." I saw Ashton sit up from the corner of my eye "Michael stop." "No! Don't believe me? Fine take a look!" I said and looked at him who looked  not amused
"If you're not coming I'm gonna have to carry you which means I won't be able to take any equipment with me"
"I don't want to take a freakin look. Fine I'll come and play along with your stupid game" Ashton said and rubbed his eyes followed by getting out of the tent.

I rolled up the tent and put it on my bag along with all of our other stuff "the corner shop is far away, we need to get there so we have enough food, it won't be crowded yet." "Yeah yeah corner shop. Let's go" he said still half asleep and picking up his backpack. I grabbed my water bottle and splashed some water in his face "Ashton wake up! We're going to die if we don't plan this correctly" he looked at me not amused still, as if not believing me "okay." was all his reply. I started to walk to the shop"cmon, get your ass here" however annoyed he seemed he still followed "sorry sir." I rolled my eyes and just hoped we could make it to the shop before it was too late.

15 stressful minutes later of running we finally made it. I started shovelling my arms with all different​ types of canned food you could imagine "breath Michael, Jesus Christ" Ashton said while watching me "Come on, come on help me get all this food and water in the bag" he gave no verbal reply but did as he was told "now..Where are we going to go for weapons?" He gave a shrug "I dunno." Though I'm not surprised, probably not the best person to ask "shit..We at least need a knife" "uh huh" Ashton replied with no emotion "Ashton I know you think this is stupid...but I saw it with my own eyes. With your...condition... I wouldn't lie about stuff like this" you've said that before you know, and it turned out that you were lying"  I let out stressful sigh "you know, if I didn't care so deeply about you I would have left you to deal with this alone. But I do, and I'm trying to help us both survive here." "I'll believe it when I see it." Trust me, you don't want to see it. You'll have a panic attack again. I offered you to look through the binoculars and you refused" Okay well say you are telling the truth and there is"zombies" "it's not like you can cover my eyes after every one the passes one. I'll see it eventually and when I do I'll believe you" "the point of survival in this situation is staying away from them which is what I am trying to do." Eventually Ashton gave out a sigh of defendant "whatever you say Michael."

"Right, so now we gotta do far away so they can't find us. I say on too of that hill we passed before we found our camping spot." "Whatever you say." "I also bought this bag earlier, only £6.50" "nice? Can we go now?" "Yeah sure" I said and started putting everything in may backpack. After a minute or so of silence Ashton spoke up "was that your stomach?" I looked at him confused "what was my stomach?" "Erm..That growl duh." Are you taking the piss? This isn't funny..." I took a quick look around the shop "okay's serious like one of there's one right behind you.." I said with caution with worried eyes then looking at the zombie who was ten metres away "HOLY SHIT DICK BALLS" "what????" Ashton said more confused than ever "look behind you! Run! Runnnnnnn!" He looked behind him and saw the zombie"w-what..The f-fuck.." "okay listen to me." I said and out my hands on his shoulder "we need to run but we must kill it! You stay here and watch me you need to learn skills to survive" I said and ran up to the zombie. Hitting it with my bat until it was on the floor with its brains dense to the floor, "w-what the fuck Michael?!" Ashton managed to get out from the verge of a panic attack. I rushed over to his side and rubbed his back, hoping it would calm him down "calm down..It's okay now, it's dead"  "h-how can I be c-calm?! I-its a fucking zombie!" Ashton said breathing more heavily and harshly. I held onto him "it's okay, I'm going to make sure we survive this" hoping to reassure him but it didn't seem to work as he just quickly got out of my grasp as quickly as possible and walked out of the shop.

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