part fourteen

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Michael's pov

"Survivers, come with me" were the first words that left his mouth. I must admit I was pretty taken back and Ashton looked like he was too "hi..Are you a..Safe zone?" I slowly asked"yes I am!" He said with an thick American accent and a cheerful laugh.

However there was only one main question I had "you don't have a problem with gays do you? Because me and this guy here.. are in love..and we fuck.." I looked over to Ashton who looked embarrassed from the last part but it still made him look adorable "nawhhh that's cool! That's cool! I have a husband myself" he said with a smile "really? That's awesome!" I said, feeling a lot more comfortable "so you guys follow me?" he asked "I have one more question.." "yes champ?" "There's not an ugly woman with a penis and vagina called Alma who goes around fucking feet in this camp right?" He gave no reply but looked disturbed and honestly I don't blame him "take that as a no? okay great!" "um yeah..Well I'm Nick..This way!" He said and walked to what I assume is the helicopter.

"Thanks! If you're a friendly camp I'm looking forward to it Nick!" I said in a rather jolly format and he gave a chuckle and I gave a smile to Ashton.

We got in the helicopter in the matter of a few small minutes. Nick was flying it like crazy "woooohoooo!" I let out and looked at Ashton who was deadly montone with his facial expression "this is actually fun as fuck" I admitted however once I did, Nick flied normally and I found myself having a disappointment facial expression until he flew crazy again "oH yeah buddy! oH yeah!" I said and threw my fist up in the air then yet again Nick flying normally again "boring fuck" I muttered but not long after he yet again flew crazy "YEAH BUDDY YEAH YEAH" I yelled and moaned at how crazy it was. I looked at Ashton who seemed, off "come on Ashton! this is fun!" "good for you babe" he said and gave me a small smile, almost fake, maybe it was. I stroked his hair "cheer up! We gotta have fun while we can!" "this isnt fun, I almost  gagged as much as seeing Alma's dick "I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one" I said and laughed "her dick was pretty disgusting" I added on and Nick slowly flew down to the ground.

"Wow..It seems a lot calmer" I said once we all got out "oH yes, very, very calm" "and by the looks of things there is no freaks. No werid drugs that make people walk on their hands" "that sounds interesting!" "oH trust me we've been through a lot" "well hopefully things will calm down now. It's pretty late so I'll show you guys to your place? I assume you'll like to share yes?" "I certainly hope so.. well it all happened in the same day. I for drugged by fumes, we we're physically and sexually attacked on many occasions by a freak called Alma and so much more oH my god! People found out we were dating and abused us!" I rambled on, probably sharing way more information than needed "well don't you worry about that anymore, this is a safe place" Nick reassured, "I'm sure as hell glad" "tomorrow me and some of the medical staff will take both of your blood types to make sure neither of you are infected or 'immune'" he said and chuckled " "aha I'm sure we'll be fine. Neither of us have been bitten and I doubt we'll be immune" I said and giggled. He gave out a fond laugh and lead us to our room "have a great night!" and with that said he left.

I walked in as did Ashton and closed the door while I walked around our cabin "well this place is a lot nicer than the other one" I spoke up, I looked at him who have a nod but looked incredibly nervous "Ash you okay?" I asked and walked up to him "I'm fine" he said and gave a smile. I gave him a hug and felt him embrace me back "I love you" "I love you too." I smiled and slowly pulled away to look in his eyes "so are we like.. Boyfriends now?" "well..I..I don't know.." I gave a giggle "I guess it doesn't matter though" "it doesn't matter?" "If we're boyfriends or not. Because it won't change the way how I feel about you either way." He smiled "that's sweet" I gave him a kiss on the cheek "and I promise everything will be okay from now on" "you shouldn't think that.." "why not? this place is safe. Nick said so."  "Well I feel as if I'm not, I know I'm not" "I didn't look after you enough last time. Now I'm fully guarded and not going to let anything bad happen. At least we won't have to see Alma anymore eh?" I said with a chuckle and sat down on the double bed.

"I think Alma is the last problem right now" I heard him mutter "what do you mean? what's bothering you?" he didn't reply though "please tell me" yet again no reply "okay..?.. Fine" "you'll find out soon enough anyway Michael, I can't stay here" he said and started to look panicked.

"Ashton you're making me worried..It's best if you tell me what's wrong" "you're going to hate me" "I could never hate you, please just tell me so I can help"

"You can't help me Michael, I got bit. I got fucking bit."

Hearing the words leave his mouth I didn't want to believe, but it's been said, he's infected. Ashton is infected and I felt my heart break into the smallest pieces.

Double update woohoo

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