part nine

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Ashton's pov

I didn't know if I should have felt fear of relief seeing at is was Alma bursting through the door "faggggggggs!" she yelled and ran up to us. My face was full of shock and disgust once seeing her lift up her skirt, revealing both parts, not to mention licking snot from her nose while saying "naughty naughty naughty" "get out of here you fucking freak! I wasn't doing anything!! I was just..helping him with..helping him take his clothes off so he could go in the shower! his hands are sore! I swear!" Michael blabbed on with nerves "more like his dick! how can you get it and not me?!"  "don't please don't tell anyone!" Michael begged, fearing his life and me? I'm just trying to not have a panic attack right now.

She said nothing but smirk and come closer "leave! you psychopath!" "lemme see the dicks! I want t float my birds on them!" "birds?? as in your genitals? no! you'll rape us!" "oH yes I am" "I'd rather you just tell on us then have you anywhere near our dicks!" before I knew it she pulled down both of our jeans and boxers, before I got the chance to cover my own, Michael covered his and mine "get off! stay away from Ashton!" "well in that case.." she said and bit us both before running out. I clenched my eyes shut to prevent making a sound unlike Michael who just.. "yeowwww! what the fuck?!" I gave no reply but quickly pulled my boxers and jeans back up with Michael also doing so too. He ran over to the door and locked it but tripping on the way back which made me mentally facepalm however he let out a laugh "damn..I think that whole thing proved that we can only trust each other" "yes..very" I said, feeling my chest start to tighten, the chaos that just happened leading me on the verge of another panic attack, "there is no windows in the bathroom right?" he asked, trying to stay calm I just gave a non verbal nod "can they be locked?" I shook my head this time, knowing from trying to lock them myself "this fucking shithole isn't even safe" again I gave no reply, feeling my heart beat faster as if it was thumping out of my chest.

"Are..are you alright?" he asked, no reply.Feeling my body get drained.

"Don't panic" he said and walked over to me, no reply. My mind being in utter confusion

He let out a sigh "I think I gotta sleep" my body starting to tremble

"Ashton?" nothing, my mouth getting insanely dry

"Ashton? talk to me?" he said now with concern but all I could hear was the ringing sounds in my ears.

He gave me a slap "talk to me, you are scaring me" only feeling weights on my chest get heavier with each weak breath.

And that was it, panic, fear and confusion taking over my body, giving myself no control but to let this drain me out but that was my last thought before I felt my body go limp and about to collapse on the floor, but instead into secure arms.

I woke up, not sure how long I was out or how long that panic attack lasted bur I woke up on my bed with my hand into someone else's "it's okay, I've got you." Michael's soothing voice rang through my ears, I looked at him confused, my mind still in a blur "the hell happened?" "you had a panic attack and passed out, we need to get out of here right now. It's making us worse" "oH..sorry about that" "don't apologise, here have a drink" he said and passed me a cup of water. I gladly accepted and slowly drank around half the cup before putting it down on the side table.

A knock was heard at the door and Michael sadly took his hand away from mine. The Indian owner came in, still not knowing his name "is everything alright my friends?" I nodded, just wanting him to leave "everything is fine" "good good, I heard a lot of bangs. I also came to warn you. Since it's your first night you must know that no one is allowed out of their cabins after 10pm, oH also avoid this women called Alma, she injects drugs into people when they are sleeping so lock your windows." "you don't say?" Michael muttered in a sarcastic tone yet I stayed quiet "it can get very dangerous around here, anyway goodnight!" he said and left before looking at us again through the windows.

"That guy scares the shit out of me" Michael spoke up "why?" I asked "just..seems to follow us around" "oH yeah..I guess he does.." I stood up, I needed fresh air "I need fresh air" I informed him and made my way to the door "don't!" "it's fine Michael, don't worry" I said and walked out, I heard him sigh and follow me close behind. I looked at him "what?" "I'm not leaving you after that" he said, meaning the panic attack "it wasn't that long" "but you passed out! and it was an hour by the way." an hour? well shit "eh..I've had worse, it's fine" I said brushing it off "come on..take this seriously isn't good" "I'm sorry" "we have to get out of here, tonight" "I understand but I really just need some time alone, please?" "if that is what you want..but please be back in our room in 10 minutes" "I will, I will" I said and not so noticeably kissed his hand before quickly walking off.

I turned around and glanced at him seeing him walk another way, I sighed and continued to walk, trying to clear my slightly still panicked state. I managed to get a few minutes to myself before I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw it was Alma, my eyes went wide and I quickly picked up my pace but she was faster and stood in front of me "I just had THE BEST SEX EVER it was this fat man, he pounded my pussy and squirt went everywhere! now there is a swimming pool at this campus" I said nothing, just feeling very disturbed "like I legit CUMMED and his jizz proper hit my fallopian tube, then some bitch came in and rode my dick! so I was getting fucked my two people!  orgasms everywhere!" "shut the fuck up!" "urgh you just said fuck! just the word makes me so wet and want to errect!  please let me fuck you!" well now I just had enough of this bullshit, I said nothing but jogged away.

"I can't cope..urgh!" I heard her say from behind and what sounded like she was fucking herself. This camp was all too much and what felt like another panic attack creeping up on me from this sight of her. I found my eyes starting to prick with tears of fear. That is when it happened, another panic attack, not as bad at it was before but still hard to control  "don't panic! I'll fuck you till you stop panicking!" I had to stop jogging, it was taking too much air away from me which resulted in me panicking more "f-fuck off!!" she let out a grin and pulled me down to the floor and began humping my foot. I quickly took my shoe off "be gone beat!be gone!" I said and hit her with my shoe before jogging away again. Trying to calm myself down before going back to the cabin.

And that's what made me it official for me, we need to leave.


Imma try and do a double update today bc fuck knows when I'll have the chance to update again XD

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